Hillbillary the panderer breaks out her mushmouth accent for her ‘Bama audience – IOTW Report

Hillbillary the panderer breaks out her mushmouth accent for her ‘Bama audience

She carries Sweet Tea in her purse.

26 Comments on Hillbillary the panderer breaks out her mushmouth accent for her ‘Bama audience

  1. “She only paused occasionally in her mesmerizing speech to send a dark shaft of tobacco spittle in to her cup.”

    …no, that was just the regurgitated blood of the innocent babies she has to drink daily to keep her contract with Baal current, @gin blossom. She REALLY likes the taste, though, so she doesn’t always stop when she should…

  2. I was struck by the absence of cheering and clapping during her speech. Trump is continually interrupted by cheering, clapping, and “USA” chanting. We also don’t know how big her audience was, but judging by the one time I did hear clapping, it sounded like about 75 people. I would be mortified myself, but she lives for this.

  3. Who had to sweep up all the g’s around the podium? She must have dropped a couple dozen. But at least she didn’t drop a shoe this time. Or a loogie.

  4. gin blossom & Supernightshade
    Ed Gein ain’t got nothing on her, check to see what her handbag is made of.
    Easy off here, I leaving it to you both to get it accomplished.


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