Hipster Cafe That Serves Only Cereal Attacked by Angry Citizens – IOTW Report

Hipster Cafe That Serves Only Cereal Attacked by Angry Citizens


An angry mob vented its rage against East London hipsters on Saturday night by attacking a cafe and scrawling “scum” on the window. But the establishment wasn’t just any cafe—it was a cereal cafe. As in, cereal in a bowl. Cereal-Killer_55072b“It’s senseless violence, isn’t it?” Gary Keery, co-owner of Cereal Killer Cafe, tells the Guardian. “We’ve had some letters through the letterbox saying ‘die hipsters’ and stuff but nothing to this extreme. It just doesn’t make sense.” He says terrified customers and their children hid inside while protesters (who carried torches and pig heads) threw cereal and red paint at the windows. After customers found safety downstairs, members of the mob managed to break in and throw furniture and a smoke bomb inside.

Roughly 200-strong, the protesters called themselves “The F*** Parade” and explained their anti-gentrification stance on a Facebook event page, reports the Independent. “Our communities are being ripped apart—by Russian oligarchs, Saudi Sheiks, Israeli scumbag property developers, Texan oil-money twats and our own home-grown Eton toffs,” they write. “We don’t want luxury flats that no one can afford, we want genuinely affordable housing.”


Not really seeing them angrily protesting Saudi Shieks. Not really seeing them angrily protesting their government’s immigration policies on Muslims.

20 Comments on Hipster Cafe That Serves Only Cereal Attacked by Angry Citizens

  1. Wow, Britain is over run with hoards of Islamic radicals who are taking over a once English country….and these poofters are demonstrating and attack a “cereal” bar? I guess it’s safer that going after a mosque.

  2. Read the linked to story, and in it, they mention a bi-polar lady in San Fransicko who sells $4 toast. Turns out, it’s a piece of white bread with butter, sugar and cinnamon that’s been laid on a broiler for a couple of minutes – what Ma Smith called “cinnamon toast” – a Great Depression treat. For FOUR dollars a slice.

    I don’t know if she’s a genius capitalist or just another P.T. Barnum. “There’s a sucker born every minute.” or “A fool and his money…”

    But anyway… F*ck Hipsters. Dudes in girl jeans and old ($50) Chuck Taylor sneakers.

  3. The Russians, Saudis, Texans, Israelis et al are most certainly not hipsters. This mob is attacking the one group they are certain won’t fight back. Coward scum the lot of them. If they want a real crack at the title go after the Saudi’s, after all they’re probably most responsible for unleashing the Muslim terrorists on the world.

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