“His Kind” Is YOU! – IOTW Report

“His Kind” Is YOU!

CTH – None of what DC Democrats, Republicans, the RNC or DNC presents is true or real within the landscape of the conflict tearing our nation apart. This is where the battle between pretending and reality is taking shape. I am not sure how we get this message communicated when the communication networks are purchased as part of the fraud. [snip]

Legislation, rules, regulations and laws are not written by congress. The paperwork comes from the assembly of legal and lobbyist foot soldiers on K-Street. That’s where the ink is put to the paper, and the legislative outcomes first originate. K-Street is where the corporations, multinationals and financial organizations control the process.

If the corporations behind the DC facade want to shift the money, they proactively write the rules, regulations and laws that steer the actual policy outcomes to their financial target or destination. Their wealth expands, and they reward the participants, the politicians.

Most of the entry level politicians are oblivious to where the corporations have proactively moved; however, a few of the politicians -the leadership groups- know exactly where the destination of the legislative intent is going. The latter are tenured in the power structure behind the facade.

Two private domestic corporations, completely unaffiliated with the constructs of constitutional government, known as the RNC and DNC, require membership in order to participate in the pretense of American democracy. The same financial entities that fund the K-Street operation, fund the private political clubs.

We The People, voters, are engaging in their construct to send ‘representatives’ into a political construct that is a facade. The financial entities on K-Street, those who position wealth and generate the rules to maintain it, are the same financial entities that fund the mechanisms of the two private corporations (RNC/DNC).

The United States system of government is now operating to maintain this construct of common benefit.

The institutions within our government are now operating with the primary purpose of maintaining this system. Maintaining the Potemkin village is their first line of defense, to stop any larger awakening from recognizing the futility of sending ‘representatives‘ into the woodchipper.

All of the institutions we discuss are mission-focused on preserving the system as described.

Read it all HERE.

9 Comments on “His Kind” Is YOU!

  1. Republicans/Democrats…Two heads… one snake… and a nation full of people so overwhelmingly occupied with a manufactured Culture War that they don’t realize they are being destroyed by the Class War “Our Betters”, on both sides of the pretend aisle, are waging against We the People.

  2. Trump seems to be the exception to this, and likely our only peaceful way out.

    There’s a reason he’s likely the most ‘investigated’ person in human history, and the cleanest.

  3. The next Carrington event is supposed to take place 2 years from now in 2025, we’ll have to wait and see if anything really spectacular happens. It could be the real mother of all natural EMP events and totally disrupt everything on Earth.

  4. geoff.

    Interesting. I wonder how profitable the computer hardening industry is, and who their customers are.

    People that have never lived without a cellphone will go insane very quickly.


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