Historian claims Obama Fantasized about Men – IOTW Report

Historian claims Obama Fantasized about Men

Blaze: Historian David Garrow released a biography on former president Barack Obama in 2017, but it’s just now making headlines.

The biography contains a few shocking passages, one that includes a claim that Obama had once admitted to a former girlfriend that he had repeated fantasies about making love to men.

The admission was made in a letter that Garrow claims to have personally seen, and it paints a vastly different picture than most Americans have of Obama, who once opposed gay marriage.

The letter is currently in the possession of Emory University, however, Obama’s ex-girlfriend had provided a copy of the letter — with one paragraph redacted.

Garrow told the Tablet magazine that she had revealed the paragraph was about homosexuality.

“This is kind of important,” Glenn Beck says, “because when he got into office he was against gay marriage and everything else and tried to say that, you know, he was, you know, a family values kind of guy.” more

28 Comments on Historian claims Obama Fantasized about Men

  1. to have happen what is going on today in this once blessed nation, they had to put in office a half a three dollar bill. this pansey was being raped and groomed as a child. Cia all the way Oh boy! another towel over here please.

  2. Do cock-sucking, butt-licking faggots fantasize about having sex with other men?

    I guess it’s possible – between the cock-sucking and butt-licking there may be some down time to fantasize.

    Obola is a straight-up faggot. He didn’t have those other fags murdered in Chicago just for shits and giggles. Anybody remember Kal Penn’s “mugging?” Seems he had taken a few photos or vids of his escapades with Obola and the SS had to relieve him of his phone.

    Not exactly a news flash but it’s good it’s going mainstream.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Trump did one better than Obama, Trump said “hold my Butt Light, I’ll hold a big ass party for the gays at my mansion.” I think God is bringing big trouble to Trump for being an abomination and blasphemy to him. I see Trump’s bragging has stopped….for now.

  4. Fantasized about “making love?” That reminds me of a Dear Abby from years ago. A woman wrote saying she met a guy in a bar and they went to a motel and made love.

    Abby replied, “You didn’t make love. You had sex.”

  5. Barry has been a fraud his whole life. As much as Demwit voters love the LGTBQ agenda, you would think they would be full of “pride” that the first LGBTQ US president was elected.

    Instead Barry was presented to the American people as a straight, married family man because the left knows the majority of Americans don’t consider homosexuality normal – even after years since Barry was president.

    The damage is done. Barry’s presidecy solidified the LGBTQ agenda as policy in many institutions and has warped society and the culture.

    Finding more evident that prove Barry is queer only confirms the left’s fraudulent scheme perpetrated against the American people.

  6. Rumor floatin round
    That Great Lakes town
    Bout a bath house
    North of Desplaines
    (You know who Im talking about)
    Jes lemme know
    If you wanna go
    Meet a POTUS named Hussein
    (He’s got a nasty beard for a wife, Ha!)

  7. Anonymous at 11:57 am

    ^^^^So Goldenfoxx who is your perfect, faultless candidate that will save America from communism?

    Well anonymoron. I don’t have a pick yet, but I certainly won’t vote for a faggot loving President. Good thing Trump held his love fest in 12/2022. Now that I know where his desires are focused – Trump says he’s working hard for them. Why not use your real screen name here, I put my name on my thoughts. I’m not afraid of what anyone says about it. It only reinforces my beliefs.

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