Historic!!! Obama Commutes The Sentences of the Most Federal Prisoners Since 1900 – IOTW Report

Historic!!! Obama Commutes The Sentences of the Most Federal Prisoners Since 1900

Obama’s “Let em’ Out” Fantasy Realized.


ht/ annie

16 Comments on Historic!!! Obama Commutes The Sentences of the Most Federal Prisoners Since 1900

  1. So while the media, with help of the establishment GOP pawns, go after Trump no one pays attention to Obama providing $400 million to Iran for hostages, Hillary telling the world she is going to increase middle class taxes, Obama releasing hundreds of reprobates, allowing thousands of Syrians into the country… Page 2 news is getting a total pass.

  2. you have to wonder what in god’s name is this asshole trying to do to us

    my 14-old niece was just assaulted by a mental case outside of ralphs in pacific palisades ca (yes, home to almost all celebs), an example of a psychopath who should have been kept behind bars

    open borders, sanctuary cities, open prison doors, angry racist blacks and cop killers, etc etc

    obama and his sycophants are insane

    hillary would prolong the torture

    the concept of keeping america safe is moot under these leftist assholes

  3. That’s alright. Dumbass criminals being dumbass criminals, they’ll fuck up again, and eventually end up back in prison. If they don’t get killed first.
    But for all the damage they do to others in between, can (no-longer-president) O’Bozo be sued, criminally and civilly, for whatever damages are done?

    Hmmm. . . .can a list of these Pardoned Ones be spread around, so they can be kept track of?

  4. That’s right. Dumbass criminals being dumbass criminals, they’ll fuck up again, and eventually end up back in prison… but not before they vote!
    Mark my words, this sunovabitch is just getting started. Yer gonna see shit like we never ever seen before with this two-bit, lying, America-hating, deserter-honoring, Gay-obsessed, Communist-organizing, Marxist Muzlim, racist, jug-eared jihadi!

  5. Wait for Number One… the Grand Prize… the Big Enchilada… the coup de grâce… when Obama and PA Governor Tom Wolf spring Mumia Abu Jamal from jail, commuting his sentence from life to time-served.

    I hope the Philly cops don’t give him any more than a five-minute head start out of Frackville, PA.

  6. Are you shitting me, Sylvia?

    There’s no way Mumia would allow himself to be turned loose into the general public. He’s got all the comforts of home and is playing the martyr to the hilt. He’s the poster boy for cop-killers everywhere.

    You’d better hope he doesn’t die before Obama is out of office. Otherwise, he’ll declare MAJ Day and make it a Federal Monday holiday.

  7. I believe it’s all part of a grand plan to inundate America with criminals. As far as I’m concerned, they’re just another bunch of illegal and other immigrants.

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