Historical Quotes – IOTW Report

Historical Quotes


60 Comments on Historical Quotes

  1. The Clinton Global Enrichment Foundation is going to really hate Attorney General Sessions’ attention to the details of the largest scam ever pulled off by a former President. Has anyone ever seen such money grubbing by a former First Family. This makes LBJ seem like an unimaginative piker. Drain the Swamp! Lock them both up!

  2. “You are Old Mrs. Clinton,” the young man said
    “And your lies are exposed to the light
    Yet you continually ask for donations
    Do you think at this stage it is right?”

    “In my youth,” Mrs Clinton, to the young man said
    “Such questions were simply not asked”
    Now the young man has died by questionable means
    And She has moved on to new tasks

  3. Round about the table go,
    In the handy check blanks throw.
    Saud, that swimmer in black gold
    with concubines and wives to scold
    write the check, your name to jot
    Be thou first i’ privileged spot.

    Double, double, loy’l and gull’ble
    Cash or check, Visa no trouble.

  4. The architect of our doom
    Behind her table sits
    And from her throne of power
    Condemn those She’s cast adrift
    Echoes down the city street
    Her harpies laughter rings
    Waiting for the curtain call
    Oblivion in the wings

    The casket is empty
    Abandon ye all hope
    They ran off with the money
    And left us with the rope

  5. “He [Slick Willie] said to them, ‘But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and give them to me, then sell your cloak and give it to me also. ”
    (My apologies to Luke 22:36)

  6. “In my many years I have come to a conclusion that one useless man is a shame, two is a law firm, and three or more is the Clinton Foundation.”
    (my apologies to John Adams)

  7. In this country, anyone can grow up to be the president of the united States but then again, not everyone should including Barky Bam Bam Obama and Hillary I have a Vagina Clinton!

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