History You Didn’t Know: When slaves were sold they were given Multi-Million dollar contracts – IOTW Report

History You Didn’t Know: When slaves were sold they were given Multi-Million dollar contracts

13 Comments on History You Didn’t Know: When slaves were sold they were given Multi-Million dollar contracts

  1. “…half a decade…”

    Does the clock ever run out on any of these race-hustlers? I guess not. Sharpton and Jackson have been doing it for decades. And now this Kendi tool is just tuning up to begin his life’s grift.

    Maybe if the media and these leftist foundations turned off the spigots—is “spigot” racist yet?—these race-leeches would dry up and blow away.

  2. Did anyone learn in school that in some places slaves were allowed to work for wages off the plantations, and even to own and operate businesses such as cabinet making, blacksmithing, dressmaking, etc.? Some even operated small farms, growing produce for sale at local markets.

    Slave work on a plantation was typically a part-time occupation, seasonally busy, but with long stretches of downtime to fill. Masters had to house and feed slaves regardless of how much work was needed, or how crops fared.

    Sure, slaves belonged to the Master, and could be sold or moved around at a whim, without regard to how it affects them…much like today’s “free” employees who might be fired, hours cut, made to work overtime, or transferred to suit the employer.

  3. Oh, for the love of….I had to get a physical from a doctor, extensive background check, sit before an oral board that fired questions at me and have a physical fitness test in order to get hired. Every applicant did. What a big crybaby. I don’t know how he walks carrying that huge chip on his shoulder.

  4. Gosh, if only someone had the option not to pursue and NFL career, then they wouldn’t have to be a “slave”.

    Blacktivists are, without a doubt, live at the crossroads of stupidity, evil, selfishness, and hypocrisy. Literally no redeeming qualities whatsoever about BLM assholes.


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