Hit and Run Scum Lives Don’t Matter – IOTW Report

Hit and Run Scum Lives Don’t Matter

Innocent man going about his day.


His mom has said that she ‘doesn’t know,’ if her son – who was 17 at the time – can be forgiven for his alleged crimes.

Passenger/Filmer/Accessory to Murder

His mother told 8 News Now via text: ‘My son’s side of the story will be told – “the truth” – not the inaccuracies the media will try to portray.’ 


16 Comments on Hit and Run Scum Lives Don’t Matter

  1. What do you expect when Democrats tell an entire generation they are born victims and can’t escape it, that White people are born evil oppressors and can’t be anything else, that all cops are bad, and that anything you do to a White cop is justified by hundreds of years of slavery and oppression?

    Add to this the concept of “street cred”, that a man who kills YT and cops is a man to be lionized, and put it out there that the risk of legal punishment for their crimes is low because, Equity, and it isn’t terribly surprising that young men steeped in hatred and gangsta kultur not only do things like this, but brag about them as well.

    Just as the Democrats want it.

    Attacks by Democrat cultivated thugs are used to suppot calls from increasingly frightened and uninformed people for calls for more government, ehich then enables more brownshirt attacks, and the vicious cycle repeats until all the Democrat masters are rich and all the society they rule a dystopian wasteland.

    The Mad Max world was actually better.

    At least there you could shoot back.

  2. An old gravel railroad bed would even be better to drag them down. Or just shoot them both immediately after being convicted and get it over with and then the state doesn’t have to warehouse these 2 bastards at taxpayer’s expense for the next 50 + years.

  3. My brother knew a woman whose son was in prison and due to be released, at Thanksgiving he said to the rest of everyone present that the best thing that could possibly happen is that someone would kill him prior to him being released and destroying some innocent person’s life.

  4. Wesley Alan Dodd was the name of a young murderer in Wash. state who brutally killed a young boy inside a restroom of a Vancouver, Wash. movie theater back in the late 80’s or early 90’s. After he was sentenced and convicted, he petitioned the court to execute him because he knew he was evil and would likely kill again if they ever released him from prison. The state of Washington did grant his request and executed him within a year or two of his conviction against the demands of the ACLU and other liberal groups to save his sorry ass. I remember this because it was a headline story in Readers Digest at the time. This is the way murderers should be treated and was up until about 50 years or so ago that the death penalty was removed as a means of holding murderers and others who commit capital crimes accountable. For some creeps the death penalty is the only option, and it keeps them from ever doing it again.


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