The swamps and marshes of Belarus are apparently loaded with abandoned Soviet and Nazi equipment from the Second World War (or as the Russians call it, The Great Patriotic War). The nation licenses only two parties to recover and salvage the vehicles that they find. Some end up on pedestals in town squares, too damaged to rehab, but others can be put back into operation. At the Stalin Line Museum they roll these old war machines out occasionally for re-enactments. Here
I wonder what the cost would be to buy and transport one to Co? If money was no object a fella could have himself some fun on a weekend rolling through Boulder and triggering all the stoned hippies out of their fragile minds.
@Pelopidas – (citizen) Officer, I want to show you tanks! (Officer) You’re welcome.
lol … the trouble w/ reenactors is that they ‘fill out’ their uniforms so much more than the originals …. I cringe at Civil War reenactments where all the soldiers are pot-bellied middle-aged men, instead of 16-21 year olds, thin as a rail.
I wonder if they ever recreate the end of “Kelly’s Heroes” – just for the fun of it!
Sayonara, bank doors!
that was a good read. Tanks, Doc Tar
For sale…
1997 Leopard 1A5 Tank (Panzer)
Ready to go.
$280 Grand.
Either one caused the deaths of 60,000,000 people. Exact numbers may never been known!