Hmmmm – IOTW Report


52 Comments on Hmmmm

  1. aleon
    MAY 16, 2021 AT 3:16 PM
    “Grandpa’s ED is mysteriously cured.”

    …well, if she bought them with his life insurance check as the story implies, he’s STIFF, all right…

  2. Twenty years ago I was “seeing” a gal from PA who had fake tits. She’d be about 61 now… wonder what those plastic pillows look like now….

    Heh, she’d had more body work than a restored rusted 57 Chevy.

  3. Everyone has a bucket list. This must have been on hers. Looks like she’s kept the rest of her body in good shape. Why not? I say. It’s not a great look, but fairly harmless as things go today.

  4. …sexual competition does NOT go away with age. In fact, because there are no longer any unintended pregnancy consequences, vastly diminished STD probability consequences, and a a VERY small pool of males that ACHIEVE that age with an even SMALLER subset of those that can still perform and WANTS to, the competition actually INTENSIFIES among elderly females in the joyless meat market that IS the old folks’ home.

    I made many a midnight life squad run to “assisted living” homes, and I’ve seen things.

    Or do I have to go over the septugenarian woman who broke her hip having angry, woman-on-top victory sex with her trophy male that she kicked another inmate elderly woman’s butt to take away from her again?

  5. Bongo
    MAY 16, 2021 AT 4:07 PM
    “There’s a “Little Red Riding Hood” joke in there somewhere.”

    …so, are you suggesting that, when he uncovered Grandma’s twin glories ahead of Little Red’s arrival, instead of EATING her, maybe he…

  6. Over my 59 years I’ve made my share of mistakes with women. A couple of rules have served me well, however. First, I’ve never had anything to do with a woman who smokes. Second, if I ever suspected they had cosmetic surgery, they were crossed of the list immediately.

  7. grool
    MAY 16, 2021 AT 4:35 PM
    “Tattoos are a particularly tasteless form of cosmetic surgery.”

    …well, since you brought tattoos in the context of old age up, well…

    “When Ethel was just 19 and her parents were in her face

    She got herself a tattoo in a very private place

    And only by her own true love was it to be seen

    Or her family physician, or a drunk crowd that offered beads

    It was a tiny tattoo with a little tiny dove

    With a tiny word, and that word it was love

    Well 30 years have passed now, thirty years that have been rough

    Four marriages, three children, forty diets and lot’s of sun

    And the teeny tiny tattoo with the teeny tiny dove

    Is now a pterodactyl and the word, it is looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOve …….”
    -Heywood Banks, “Teenie Tiny Tatoo”

  8. SNS

    Your characterization of what takes place in assisted living facilities may be accurate however a lot of women go on the “HUNT” as early as 45 as their husband let their bodies decompose from inactivity and over indulgence in food and boos. Destroying their ability to play hide the Bologna.

  9. Nice new funbags on the old gal. Women that age undoubtedly are thin-walled, dry holes that just can’t take an every-two-days pounding that a new set of funbags would inspire as required.

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