Ho mannnn… we need more Tom Homans – IOTW Report

Ho mannnn… we need more Tom Homans

This guy doesn’t take any guff from democrats, and he says so.

We need more of this, people willing to be in contempt of the kangaroo hearings run by clownfarts on the hill.

ht/ joe6pak

35 Comments on Ho mannnn… we need more Tom Homans

  1. Holy Smokes, my nether regions are all tingly, I need a cigarette after that.

    If you youtube this guy you will see that he has been shit on so many times by these chuckleheads, you can tell his frustration is at a boiling point, such despicable people.

  2. What else is maddening about this is that the gentle chairlady (gag me for saying that) Pramila Jayapal was born in India and is doing everything she can to make America a third world shithole!

  3. Say what, an ugly Indian asshole wanting respect! Why the hell is she here in a country she hates? She needs to migrate to India where she would be lower than cow turds on the caste spectrum!

  4. Oh I hope Homan is on Lou Dobbs tonight!!
    I love this guy!
    That chair….ugh….”I control the time” and (I paraphrase and borrow from South Park) “Respect my authoritae!!!”

  5. We need to push for a drastic reduction in the salaries and benefits the elected officials and judges receive and put some quotas on the amount of time they work (accountability) and to meet predetermined results in favor of American citizens all done within the strict limits and framework of the Constitution! We also need the ability and format to rid ourselves of corrupt, lazy, lying and insidious cruds (including top level bureaucrats-SES)!

  6. I loved it – “you work for me! You work for me! I’m a taxpayer!” Mr Homan reminded this uncivil servant what her goddam job is and Jayapal didn’t like it one damn bit. Tough Shit.

  7. What do we need Congress for? They’ve systematically turned everything to shit. I propose we disband it and have the States call for a “new Congress” periodically as 2/3 of their Legislatures so vote. The ‘business’ of the Congress would be agreed upon as well, and they’d have 30 days to conduct it. After that, GTFO and go home.

  8. It looks like she be pounding her face with that mallet.
    Seems like some of the men are willing to take a stand and I’m sure it is because they know President Donald J. Trump has their back.

  9. Mr. Homan was magnificent and a brave patriot having to confront that flat faced harpie. She was banging that gavel like she was a parliamentary chief judge in New Delhi.
    This is why foreign nationals immigrating to the United States of America need to be vetted.
    We have enough traitorous, freedom hating socialist of our own without importing them from the third world.


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