Hoaxists and Staged Event Conspiracy Theorists Are At it Again – IOTW Report

Hoaxists and Staged Event Conspiracy Theorists Are At it Again

This is what these pinheads are saying was a “hoax” and “staged.”

In my fantasies these morons have a crisis, maybe terrorists are trying to break into their house, and they call the police and the voice on the other line says that there is no reason to show up because the entire thing is “staged.’ Sit back and enjoy the show.”

One of the jerks says that everyone hit with the cars are stunt people.

Everyone is a “crisis actor.”

ht/ Moe tom


22 Comments on Hoaxists and Staged Event Conspiracy Theorists Are At it Again

  1. I haven’t seen any of the Times Sq footage, but some of the Boston Marathon stuff really smells fishy. Don’t ask me why a government might stage such a terrorist event, but you get a couple of yutzes like the Tsarnaevs, and tell them they’re CIA, get them to drop off a package, and you’ve got yourself a patsy. I’m not saying that’s what happened, just that it’s the sort of thing that CAN be done.

    I wonder what you all may think of the Warren Report findings. I watched a few Roger Stone videos, and only have more suspicions of the official story.

  2. I used to think the hoaxers are just tiny little men and women with no lives and mental issues. As time goes on, I lean more towards the idea that they’re just another type of disinfo agent out to demoralize everyone. Yes, this would be a pretty stupid tactic but it’s also a subtle one as it tends to make you lose hope in the intelligence of others. So if these conspiracy dopes are indeed themselves psyop agents, they’re at least partly effective.

  3. Oswald was a Reptilian, JFK was a Grey from Zeta Reticuli. The Russians through a Cuban intelligence operative that was banging a Reptilian, supplied Oswald with a deathray plasma rifle disguised as a 6.5mm Mannlicher-Carcano bolt-action rifle. Jack Ruby was of course a Grey that shot Reptilian Oswald in retaliation. Chemtrails make you not see the truth. Don’t vaccinate against polio, it contains brain chips.

  4. If they put a fifth of the energy into slamming the global warming hoax maybe only 95% of scientist would be in agreement.

    Whatever, I’m off to spray my lawn with vinegar so chem trails don’t flare up my asthma.

  5. i work at an institution that has buildings all along the Boston Marathon route. we were all at work that day ( it is a holiday in MA). at a location just before the finish line just at the edge of kenmore square from a high vantage point some of my coworkers witnessed a police and fire involved event that we could find no reportage on. it involved a stopped taxi and some sort of event that lead to a great deal of smoke. never could find an explanation of this and it left some of the viewers completely freaked out- one to the point of tears weeks later. i do not know what happened but i feel we havent been given the complete story.maybe others were involved? i am still troubled by this.

  6. BFH Why the fuck did you mix in the 7th Ave Times Square terrorist attack with other bullshit?. You think the victims were actors?
    You think it was all a hoax? Gimmeafuckinbreat!

  7. I am cautiously heartened to see the declaimers of CONSPIRACY THEORY! start to go overboard. Jump the shark, if you will. I’ve learned from casual conversations that more and more sane people are realizing that (a) there are, in fact, conspiracies on the part of govt and other powerful institutions, and (b) that those who sneeringly call people who actually report or otherwise describe real conspiracies “conspiracy theorists” in an attempt to discredit them are, ironically, part of a conspiracy or at least a quasi-conspiracy.

    This is healthy and a good sign.

    Thinking all the way back to the JFK killing and the Warren report, most of the govt’s attempts to explain major events have to my eye been flawed. I’m not calling them false as much as both incomplete and misleading. Perhaps the best word is disingenuous. Rather than the output of actual conspiracies, they have been attempts to lead us mundanes to conclusions more advantageous to achieving the power- and wealth-acquisition goals of TPTB.

  8. A fully decked out dude in military ware came on my property with his finger on the trigger of an AR-10 once and told me to, “get the fuck inside.” To which I responded, “why?” He pointed at his helmet and hoisted his weapon and said, “what, this isn’t good enough reason?” I obeyed. The whole block was then quickly shut down and man did vehicles surround the area mighty quick. 2 doors down the dude killed his wife, 2 daughters and himself. Tragic. I’ve always wondered about the unmarked dude who approached me. No police badges or anything all black and loaded like he was on a crusade just waiting in the wings for this to happen. It would take me an hour to put on all the shit he had ready to go. We’re not in downtown Chicago bud, this is suburbia.

  9. Did any of you commenting pudmuckers watch the 7th Ave, Times Square Video?: I sent it in but BFH involved it with other bullshit.
    You are now chatting about completely different shit. I just don’t understand. I give you a first class video of a scumbag driving down 7th Avenue, casually, flowing with the traffic. Suddenly he make a U turn on to a sidewalk and just moes down people. No comment from you all. I give up .

  10. Aesop’s Fables covers the Shepherd Boy that cried wolf sounding the alarm when nothing was wrong. A bored shepherd boy who entertained himself by tricking nearby villagers into thinking a wolf is attacking his flock.

    When they came to his rescue, they found that the alarms were false and that they had wasted their time. When the boy was actually confronted by a wolf, the villagers did not believe his cries for help and the wolf ate the flock (and in some versions the boy).
    The moral is stated at the end of the fable as:
    Even when liars tell the truth, they are never believed.

    False conspiracy theorists condition citizens (villagers) that the alarms are false and if or when the alarm has been determined to be real, the citizens still don’t believe it even when confronted with overwhelming evidence.

    False flags and conditioning the citizens. Conspiracy or not it has an effect.

    With the propagandists/media crying wolf, waving false flags and repeating lies from unnamed sources, what will the majority of the populace believe?

    “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

    Joseph Goebbels

  11. It’s posted now Moe Tom. Looks like he sped up after mowing down the crowd because he was running out of targets. Looks like an attack.

    But I’m not qualified to judge the difference between a DUI, someone on drugs and a jihadi. They all act the same, they all kill with vehicles pretty much the same. A hoax it was definitely not.

  12. Did they find the perp had begun writing his manifesto/memoirs, maybe scribbled them on a napkin, or the interior panel of his car door, in his own blood, or perhaps his own tears, once they subdued him? Did they have to perform emergency surgery to his throat, rendering him unable to speak? Oh, wait, this wasn’t one of the many “drills” that went “live?” This one was really real?

  13. The 1:00 mark, chick getting mowed down after looking up from her cell phone and the 1:11/12 mark with the chick plastered in the crosswalk. Absolutely horrific. Holy cow though did it look exactly like what I’ve seen in video games since Grand Theft Auto III. There is no other reference in my head. I wish nothing but good for them and their families and the scumbag to rot in hell.

  14. Not a hoax.

    I want the final story on the turd. He was court martial’d
    out at about the three year point after being on a skimmer
    for a short tour in the engineering department as a E-3
    electrician. From what I’ve read, he’s a POS gang banger
    with new yock values (spoken thug) and was kicked the phuck
    out after prison time. Now the family is blaming the Navy
    on their piece of shit progeny’s actions.
    Phuck them.

  15. Why do you do this Moe Tom?

    You sent in a video I cannot post. You sent a 10 MB video.
    We can’t post that.
    The video came out 2 days ago and I chose not to post it.

    As a courtesy I went to youtube to get the video so it can be posted.
    While there I saw that the video was surrounded by tons of “related videos” that
    were calling the event a hoax.

    I find that infinitely more interesting then simply showing the video of people getting mowed down.

    Then you accuse me of calling the event a hoax???

  16. In case I wasn’t clear, the attack itself was not remotely faked, scripted, engineered, etc. SOME incidents, mainly due to odd timings, I have wondered about being false flags. Not this one.

    My problem is with all of the “this is a hoax” or “this was a false flag” videos that now always immediately pop up after everything since 9/11. Many of those videos, I believe, are themselves false flags.

  17. I put these guys on the same level as the flat Earth videos. I think what Dianny says is the case or he just has a classic case of paranoia.

    Hoax trolls – let’s see how many people are stupid or have a paranoia complex.

    Weeds out the idiots, IMO.

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