Hochul Celebrates Easter Like a Biden Democrat – IOTW Report

Hochul Celebrates Easter Like a Biden Democrat

Red State

Now, Democrat New York Governor Kathy Hochul, not satisfied by the embarrassing headlines and videos that circulated after being asked to leave a fallen NYPD officer’s wake on Friday, has declared that her state will observe the transgender day on Easter, too. More

12 Comments on Hochul Celebrates Easter Like a Biden Democrat

  1. does that mean that trannies would be INVISIBLE the remaining 364 days in the year?

    if that’s the case, then ok. Otherwise, be happy you already have an entire month to parade your mental illness in front of us.

  2. governer horseface stroke victim is a POS- hated even in her own demonic circles. double-gaited Odinga wannabe Antonio Delgado must be salivating at the prospect of horseface “inappriately touching someone” in an elevator.

  3. What does a ‘Biden democrat’ mean? It means corrupt, treasonous fascist – and there is no exaggeration in that description. Huchul fits right in, and so does Grechen Whitmer.

  4. What we tolerate, we get.
    NY has embraced insanity.
    America has silently accepted insanity.
    God will NOT be mocked – we will pay – for “silence is consent.”

    “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing”-
    and good men, all over the world, are masters at doing nothing.

    Ah but I may as well try and catch the wind …

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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