Hockey Player Who Slashed Player’s Throat is Arrested for Manslaughter – IOTW Report

Hockey Player Who Slashed Player’s Throat is Arrested for Manslaughter


A man has been arrested for the manslaughter of Nottingham Panthers player Adam Johnson after his death last month

The 29-year-old American ice hockey star was killed after a skate slashed his throat in a collision during a match against Sheffield Steelers on October 28. 

About 8,000 fans watched in horror as attempts were made to save Johnson’s life as he lay bleeding on the ice at Sheffield’s Utilita Arena, shielded by players after the collision with Steelers star Matt Petgrave, before he later died of his injuries in hospital. 

A statement said: ‘Detectives have today (Tuesday November 14) arrested a man on suspicion of manslaughter. He remains in police custody at this time.

‘On Saturday 28 October, Adam, aged 29, was seriously injured during a game between Nottingham Panthers and Sheffield Steelers and was sadly later pronounced deceased in hospital. A post-mortem examination confirmed he died as a result of a fatal neck injury.’


13 Comments on Hockey Player Who Slashed Player’s Throat is Arrested for Manslaughter

  1. This was murder, not manslaughter, as the victim was targeted using a technique not related to hockey (figure skating yes, hockey no).

    I guess we’ll see how a black murderer fares in the UK justice system

  2. “…This was murder, not manslaughter, as the victim was targeted using a technique not related to hockey…”

    Hell, yeah! Premeditated in fact. Just wait until his manifesto is released, you’ll see. He planned to murder that cracker in front of thousands of witnesses. Fucking white privilege. Puulease.

  3. And yet, brain dead hockey fans still gave a standing ovation in support of the murderer.
    I just can’t, anymore.
    My support is behind the dead guys family.
    They have an uphill battle ahead of them, trying to make sure this killer gets the punishment he deserves.

  4. A man was arrested.

    You mean, the goon on the opposing team who high kicked the other players throat on purpose, in a move you NEVER see during a hockey game. He who is also…black?!? That man?

    Good grief. Think of the headline if the colors were switched. 🤦‍♀️

  5. I would guess that blacks are 1% of players in pro hockey now and a microscopic % of players who ever played

    And yet the one player in history who has ever pulled a move this violent …..


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