Hofstra Put Up Trigger Warning For People Attending Debate – IOTW Report

Hofstra Put Up Trigger Warning For People Attending Debate

Right-wing blogs, as far as I can see, have dropped the ball on this one, mocking the trigger warning and missing the obvious.


Of course they needed to put this particular warning, because it was very possible the topic of Bill Clinton’s sexual assaults would come up.


11 Comments on Hofstra Put Up Trigger Warning For People Attending Debate

  1. The worth of a Hofstra degree went down a few points. Seriously, don’t these students and their enablers in the Administration realize that business owners and HR managers keep up on this stuff and if a job comes down to a Hofstra graduate and a University of Chicago then it’s likely the Hofstra applicant gets shown the door. No business will want to take a chance of bringing a serpent into their midst and it’s better to be safe then sorry.

  2. “Oh, I can’t go in there, that’s terrible and nobody should have to see or hear that kind of thing.”
    “Hey, you wanna go see the latest ‘Friday the 13th’ movie?”
    “Cool, lets go.”

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