Guest post by Leo Hohmann – republished with permission.
USAID sent $9.3B to Islamic terror states that killed 3,000 American soldiers
The explosive disclosures about how U.S. taxpayer monies are being used to subvert governments worldwide, while propping up others, continues to shed light on the outragious fools our own government must take us for. They steal our money and use it however they wish, often in secret deals that reward obedient foreign regimes while punishing the disobedient.
Yes, the Muslim terrorists hate Christians and Jews and wish them dead or subservient, according to their religious teachings. That’s a fact. But they would not be empowered to commit jihad were it not for the almighty U.S. dollar. And some of the dead end up being U.S. soldiers. U.S. taxpayer dollars being used to fund the murders of U.S. military personnel, imagine that!
And in the process of these needless wars, millions of Muslim refugees get driven into the Western countries. Talk about a duel bang for their buck, these globalists really know how to play the American people on their way to destroying nations and bringing in their one-world beast system. They are very good at what they do, you have to hand it to them. more
Burn it down.
With the people in it.
Then quench the coals with Holy Water.
“…they would not be empowered to commit jihad were it not for the almighty U.S. dollar.”
Obama approves this msg.
As I learn more and more about the details of this evil and corruption (that is way beyond my ability to imagine) the rage that is boiling inside of me gets greater and greater.
You know who else knows this to be true? Tulsi Gabbard. Heads need to roll. Literally.
Trump can’t fix it in 4 years, the rats won’t let him. Zero oversight and dead Americans calls for a real fix not BS promises and stories !! 3rd World here we come!!
Sounds bad, unless you’re a recipient of the kickbacks.
Then you don’t care.
Everything has a price.
They’ve EFING lost it. Check this out. Here’s a government agency threatening a private citizen. USaid bill board threatening Elon Musk. The Gov is off it’s rails.
This is TREASON and there really is nothing more to it.
Everyone who had a part in this or knowledge of it and didn’t report it NEEDS to face a firing squad. Every last goddamned one of them.
They have only STARTED peeling this giant onion. Fun times indeed.
I’ve said and posted that they have just been picking to low hanging fruit the last few weeks, just wait until they are warmed up and hit their stride. What we have evidence of so far is going to look like a stroll through the park.
Hey Brandon,
You’re going to need those F15s you referenced you fucking loser.
Trump having the U.S. military on his/our side will be critical.
The military Generals and Colonels need to be purged. Promote Patriot Military Personnel. Break the good old boys network.
Those who funded (House and Senate Leaders), USAID, USAID Directors and who those distributed monies working for USAID should be prosecuted to the letter of the law, their corrupt wealth confiscated, no plead bargains.
This is Corrupt and Treasonous.
Enemies abroad and within to be jailed, no Plea deals.
GRAND JURY, No limp dick Congressional Hearings.
Samantha Powers should be the first indictment by a Grand Jury.
Note to jerkoffs: Treason does not qualify for Presidential pardon.
Cyanide may just be your best option at this point
“Trump can’t fix it in 4 years”
Of course not. And nothing get fixed after him or stay fixed if his spirit isn’t carried forward.
These 4 years need to be the lesson for the people of how right and good can be done. As voters, there just may be an overwhelming long term shift to being aware and not letting scoundrels get away with stuff.
Motherfuckers… Someone better be charged with treason for this USAID shit, or it’s all just the usual “strongly worded letter/post” bullshit.
It is primarily the Democrats who are in the crosshairs up through now. Once the DoD and defense contractors are exposed many who failed to comprehend why the Bush/Cheney Republicans put so much energy into shutting down Trump/MAGA will no longer be able to point an innocent finger at Democrats. It’s going to get really interesting real soon. Up through now they have had the luxury of this being Kabuki theater. What I’m saying is that I’m 100% confident that before the hunt for the party responsible for raiding the hen house is over we are going to run more than one fox to ground with feathers all over his face.
It’s too bad the windows won’t open in those tall government buildings.
^^^ Yeah, but is there roof access?
And the CIA has assisted them with intel to keep the war machine running.