EyeDropMedia has a very interesting video I just watched on Gab. I will try to link to it and see if it will play for you.

This link should take you to their timeline on Gab. The video is pinned to the top of their timeline.

If that link doesn’t work for you, try this one: Odysee. It will ask if you want to create an account. Just click “Not yet”.

I liked the video. What did you think?

20 Comments on HOLD THE LINE

  1. Amen, MJA! We waited, trying to ‘trust the plan’. No more waiting. I’m starting by joining the campaign of whomever is the better of the two declared candidates to primary Rep Meijer, District #3 in Michigan. Meijer was a pretend conservative who ran for the seat vacated by that turncoat Justin Amash.

    Meijer then turned on us and stabbed President Trump in the back. I will do what I can to replace him with a real conservative. I’ll have to do my homework, because I won’t be able to trust the media.

  2. Hmm.

    Couple of questions:

    A) Where would the new Capital exactly be?
    B) Are we but a corporation formed in 1871 runned through LONDON??? With Progressive help from Europe and then Woodrow Wilson?
    C) I agree with the premise of the vid, we have been screwed, but where does this put us with the USMIL involvement in…what exactly??
    D) Should the above happen? Who amoung here is prepared to wait it out for a month or two, three, IF the USMIL takes over? Even if temporary??
    E) And who’s gonna get arrested??

    The vid of the inauguration is in the SHINING sun, but there is a vid out there, somewhere, that shows the press coverage of the NON event, from a roof of a building and it was CLOUDY??
    Is that the CastleRock reference???

    That’s just a start.

    Not sure where this is going anymore?

    That vid a complete fucking Sea Change to this country, and I am not sure who is prepared for that level of change, REAL change, and who is not??

  3. Love this video! Just confirms what I’ve been saying – it’s not over. There are more for us than against us.
    “Hold the Line” should be a conservative battle cry.

    BTW, The Army of God, the Angelic forces are very involved militarily in this MAGA fight for justice.
    They are serious business and superior defense against evil forces.
    Stay tuned…it’s gonna get real.

  4. The maggots at the fraudulent DHS shithole’s ‘warning’ about ‘domestic terrorism’ by Christian devils is in anticipation of the pushback by the Junta running our country, fronted by a fake president.

    Fuck ’em. PUSH BACK.

  5. “Verses”…I remember watching a Qanon video, and the word “Inevitible” popped up on the screen. Totally ruined the moment for me. I couldn’t take the “Q” production seriously after that. Spelling is a hangup of mine.

    This is flashy, warmed-over Q. Sorry, but it’s true.

  6. I don’t think you can rely on the military like they are portraying. Yes, there are some but most of the leadership is now “big government” types and do not see anything being done by Democrats as “unconstitutional”. I have dealt with too many the last 10 years and most are more about ambition (Flag and General Officers). Sadly only a handful would I consider constitutionalists. Even then, they would never get involved domestically except to restore order after a physical catastrophe.

    Case in point is the vaccine and how they quickly fell in line. The Docs could easily said now way we have better treatments now vs vaccine… but across all branches it is already implied if you don’t follow, you are risking your career. Voluntary now but heavy pressure. I am so disappointed in that more than anything else. They should have a been a bastion of reason.

    Sorry if that bursts any bubbles.


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