Hole-in-His-Case – IOTW Report


A guy got a hole-in-one during a charity round of golf that was offering a car if you managed to ace one of the par threes. You had to buy into the challenge before the round, which he did.

There was a car on display that said “WIN THIS CAR.”

Something went wrong, though, and he ended having to sue. He lost his case.

Here he is explaining the hosing he received.

Can you figure out why he lost his case? Think about it and offer your guess.

Reason for losing after the jump—–>


The court ruled that since he entered the contest sight-unseen, he had no reason to expect “a particular car.”

The guy ended up in debt after his court battle.

23 Comments on Hole-in-His-Case

  1. Win THIS Car seems to say THIS Car. It didn’t say Win An Inexpensive Version Of This Car.

    He entered the contest “sight unseen”? But he said the car was at the 12th hole. Are they saying when he signed up before he started the round, he hadn’t seen the actual car?

    Wow, talk about splitting hairs. They probably didn’t expect anyone to ace a hole.

  2. The guy got taken twice!
    A case of Bait & Switch at the very least.
    Next time he needs to find a “solicitor” who will guarantee a win or pony up the costs!
    Otherwise either sell it where it sits and take the money or drive off into the sunset and say thank you very much!

  3. I worked for a guy 25 years ago at a telecom company. Googled him about 15 years ago. He had started a bargain long-distance telecom, all the rage in the 90s. But it wasn’t actually a bargain, as their low price per minute actually defined a minute as something like 36 seconds. It was legal, amazingly, one assumes that one knows what a minute is but they were able to define it otherwise. Of course all I could find about him on the internet was hatred.

  4. If someone has the desire to look it up, a few years back a Hooters franchise offered a “Toyota” for the waitress that had done the best job for a month contest or something of that nature.
    When a waitress won, they gave her a TOY YODA.
    The manager thought he was so clever.
    All the contestants were under the impression she had won a car.

    The waitress sued and won.

    This golfer got hosed and I agree, that golf course would look like Caddyshack after I were through with them.

  5. “Win THIS car” must mean something other than “Win THIS car” in English-English rather than English.

    You are a “Subject,” boy … sit down and be “Subjected” to abuse and fraud!

    Or, as the politicians say in America: “Eat Shit and Like it!”

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