Hollywood Chitdips Shill For Obama and Urge People To Push For His Iranian Nuclear Deal – IOTW Report

Hollywood Chitdips Shill For Obama and Urge People To Push For His Iranian Nuclear Deal

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1970s Morgan Freeman-



21 Comments on Hollywood Chitdips Shill For Obama and Urge People To Push For His Iranian Nuclear Deal

  1. Voters ain’t got shit to do with this treaty. It’ll be back page in a week, history in three.

    Like my bookie at the track assures me, “the fix is in.”

    Stand by for something a mental defective (Bruce Jenner), or a madman (Mitch Obama) does to take center stage.

    Three, two,…

  2. When actors talk politics, I tune out. Consider the source. They’re actors. Not rocket science.

    I make exceptions for the Gary Sinises who don’t push issues in our face but silently go out and support good causes such as our wonderful troops, without fanfare.

  3. Isn’t this the assclown pervert that is dating his stepgranddaughter? Yup, shows a lot of intellect with that one expression of grandfatherly love. You can’t trust a cretin like this because he has no Integrity, moral ethics,or scruples. He’s a paid ho clown for ValJar’s sock puppet.

  4. Morgan had his ass handed to him by the “powers that be” when he dared to stray off the “res” over the race issue and told 60 Minutes that we should stop talking about race all the time. Now after a good talkin’ too from the man behind the curtain and probably a partial frontal lobotomy, he’s a good little house negro again…….

  5. Yes, and it has caused me to reevaluate my TV watching to bare minimum. Mostly I look at Lou Dobbs and then O’Reilly with the sound off, while Mark Levin is on the radio. Then Megyn Kelly has so disgusted me lately, I turn her off.

    Also, Mark Hannah, Julie Roginsky, and Bill Burton, GFY’s.

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