Hollywood director’s son converts to Islam, stars in al-Qaeda videos – IOTW Report

Hollywood director’s son converts to Islam, stars in al-Qaeda videos


When Lucas Kinney converted to Islam and became Abu Basir al-Britani, it is likely that his parents didn’t raise the slightest objection, as they were almost certainly sure that Islam was a religion of peace and that to object to the conversion would have violated all multicultural pieties.

Lucas Kinney

While the Islamic State and al-Qaeda make concerted efforts to convert and recruit young Westerners, Western governments, Christian leaders, and parents do absolutely nothing to counter those efforts — to do anything would be “Islamophobic.” And so we will see many more Abu Basir al-Britanis.

Also: here we see yet another convert to Islam joining the jihad that Muslims in the West ostensibly reject and oppose. Who converted him to Islam? Did he learn his understanding of Islam from that person, or was he “radicalized on the Internet”? Are authorities checking into this, or would that, too, be “Islamophobic”?

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14 Comments on Hollywood director’s son converts to Islam, stars in al-Qaeda videos

  1. Screw him. He made his decision and he sounds like he’s sticking to it. I suspect his parents (whichever set of them) didn’t spend any length of time with him and didn’t recognize the signs of increasing alienation he was exhibiting. In the end he was probably easy prey for recruiters you can find at damn near every Mosque. When is usefulness as a shill wears off he still has one of two uses left. The first (if they trust him) is to go back to England, feign an apology but act as a recruiter for more white jihadists or they’ll strap a bomb to his ass and send him off to blow some people up. That way they at least get one last headline out of him.

  2. I wouldn’t say that All Christian leaders do absolutely nothing. I can name a few groups who are rescuing Christians and other victims being persecuted by moslems. And many Christians are taking up arms against 0bama’s buddies in isis.

    Maybe the Hollywood libtards will get the message when isis sends that progtard’s head home in a box. Or more likely not.

  3. He looks like the type that would have premature detonations, if you catch my drift. Thus also lessening his chances of passing on those genes to another generation…


  4. A future Achmed The Dead Terrorist here. . . .
    I wonder if Jeff Dunham will be able to find enough of his skeleton afterwards to use him as a replacement for the original Achmed?

  5. The parents had better sleep with one eye open if they choose to not convert to the Satanic death cult know as islam (BTW, I do not capitalize it). He might just saw their heads off as is commanded in their unholy book.

    Good luck being under the same roof with these violent retards.

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