Hollywood Ignores Its Serious Problems at Self-Congratulatory Event – IOTW Report

Hollywood Ignores Its Serious Problems at Self-Congratulatory Event

The Constitution: Hollywood is burning, and none of the occupants care to admit that they are at risk of catching fire as award season approaches.

It all began with a series of accusations against Harvey Weinstein, one of the most influential men behind the scenes in Tinseltown.  The movie magnate was considered by many to be the ultimate movie mogul, producing and financing a number of seminal works, and being the go-to “it” man in the former movie-making capital of the world.  (Atlanta, GA has since taken over for Southern California, shooting more projects in the state of Georgia than anywhere else in the country).

Weinstein had long been rumored to be a sexual harasser and abuser, and jokes about he and fellow deviant, pedophile actor Kevin Spacey, had long predicted that this day may never come.

Contrary to the usual Hollywood burial, the rumors began to gain steam as brave victims spoke out about their tragic encounters with these larger than life movie mavericks.  Now, the entire town is mired in the scandal, with new names and faces being dragged out into the street and having their careers shot at a near-daily rate.

But you wouldn’t know it by the conduct of Hollywood’s stars and starlets at the first of several Emmy celebrations occurring this week.

10 Comments on Hollywood Ignores Its Serious Problems at Self-Congratulatory Event

  1. You would think that none of these people ever got paid any money for doing what they do!

    I have not been to a movie theater for 10 years, with any luck it will be another 10 before you consider it.

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