Hollywood Muckety Muck – “The days of scripts featuring 3 white guys from New Jersey are over.” – IOTW Report

Hollywood Muckety Muck – “The days of scripts featuring 3 white guys from New Jersey are over.”

You think the headline is bad? I watched the video of these Hollywood writers and producers discussing the changed landscape (so you wouldn’t have to.) I didn’t think the quote in the headline could be topped. It was.

A black woman writer was discussing how all of her characters are “color blind” except for one character – A WHITE SUPREMACIST! Of course.

She is a very special writer because her father is African and her mother is from Spain. This seems to have given her an elevated sense of the world that is simply better than just being a white guy from New Jersey with two white parents.

She said you CAN’T make the best show unless the writers have diverse voices.

Next was another black woman writer named Pearlena. The host said it was “the coolest name I have ever seen in my entire life.”

She’s from Nigeria and admitted that she learned about America, and how to speak English, by watching I Love Lucy. I guess now the Mertzes will be a same sex couple and the Ricardos are raising Ricky genderqueer, starting his hormone treatment in the episode where Loosey goes to watch Ricky perform his act at the club Bob On Lou.

I don’t object to “making shows look like America.” But they don’t. Part of America is three white guys from New Jersey. Those days are “not over.” And making that point does not make me a “white supremacist.”

I challenge anyone to get further into this clip than I did.

33 Comments on Hollywood Muckety Muck – “The days of scripts featuring 3 white guys from New Jersey are over.”

  1. I have briefly caught “Wisdom of the Crowd” on CBS a few minutes at a time.
    That show must have a diversity checklist.
    It is so over the top.
    Of course any bad guy is a white boy without a doubt.

    Commercials these days seem to indicate that blacks make up 72% of the overall US population.
    Funny, you see blacks snow skiing, swimming, etc.
    Meanwhile whitey is just a clueless dolt unless part of a mixed race couple.

  2. Oh, and Black’ish has the lead character narrating some kind of “blame whitey” rant EVERY SINGLE SHOW!

    He speaks of “in the hood, we…” yet lives in an upper class, well off neighborhood.

    They should rename the show to Bullshit’ish or perhaps Nigga-please.

  3. They will be their own undoing. These people don’t understand that they provide entertainment and nothing more. The only people that really care about them are other progressives. You know, the ones that made ‘Game of Thrones’ and ‘Vikings’ huge hits. Diversity is not the driving force behind those shows.

    When their ‘diverse’ movie hemorrages money while the 3 white guys movie is a success, Pearlena and Pals will be out of a job.

  4. You want a laugh? Watch the revived Will & Grace.
    It is absolutely horrid. But it’s good for laughs because all the media and other lefties were having seizures trying to outdo each other in heaping much praise on the obvious Steaming Pantload.

  5. I saw this in full effect watching “Return of the Jedi” this weekend:
    Only one of the bad guys was female, the rest were white males.
    The rich 1% were vilified as evil
    Women were in charge, toxic male masculinity was mocked
    Obligatory shots of black men and women as good guys (pilots, fighters)
    Catered to the Asian market using an Asian in a lead role

    It’s happening.

  6. But… you see… xe’s right. The people (in Hollywood’s first run geographic audience) who do not become apoplectic and soil themselves at the sight of a straight, white, not serial killer, not profoundly retarded, born male, male characters (remember, it’s all pretend), have already put their wallets back in their pockets and walked away. When your remaining customers will only pay for born men, but have (body shaming to genetic females) breast implants, in scenes that require horse dildos as an integral point of the narrative, well… you hire the cheapest people that can turn out scenes with trannies and horse dildos.

  7. @Anon E. Mouse December 18, 2017 at 4:18 pm

    It was “This Week with Disney Prinxess in Spaaaaaaaaace!”

    The subtitles only matter to the fan bois… when they’re trying to out fan the other fan bois’ vapors.

  8. I haven’t been able to stomach it for about 30 years now, so i just tune it out. I even find it difficult to read books written in the last 20 to 30 years as most of them have the obligatory leftist biased tripe in them. It seems one can’t escape it.

  9. Maybe those Hollywierd writers should focus on writing a story line that’s worth freaken watching. They suck at their jobs. I honestly can’t name one new show coming out that’s not a remake. The wife was telling me about this new show she that I’d like. S.W.A.T. Yea, it’s a remake, Steve Forrest, Robert Urich. The new S.W.A.T. cast is 98% black. And I’d watch it if it were good. It “Tactically” sucks. It’s stupid. I watched one episode. The prevalent white guy cries all the time. LOL sign me up.

  10. I made it 18 out of the 20 minutes. I considered it an anthropology lesson exploring the mental machinations and gymnastics of a foreign culture where what we would consider insanity is the norm.

    And I posted to the site – why does the white guy look like he has a gun to his head, forced to mouth gibberish that he doesn’t comprehend, desperately trying to keep working in a world gone mad?

  11. Welcome Back Kotter, Fresh Prince of Bel Air, Magnum P.I., what the hell are thee idiots talking about. It seems to me the one complaining about the divisiveness are the one that caused the division.

  12. The Benchmark that I always use is “Blazing Saddles”

    Written by Richard Pryor ( black) and Mel Brooks (Jewish) and was


    If they tried to release that now Libtards heads would explode

  13. I got to 3:35. Their quest for diversity is a religion where talent, merit, and hard work have no place. I wish they would all leave the country and stop trying to brainwash the rest of us.

  14. why does the white guy look like he has a gun to his head, forced to mouth gibberish that he doesn’t comprehend, desperately trying to keep working in a world gone mad?


    Such a great insight. Yes, the lone white straight guy seemed a little nervous, that he might accidentally blurt the wrong jargon and he’d be burned at the stake.

  15. The last sitcom I followed (i.e., actually made time to watch when it came on, because there were no VCRs) was Sanford and Son. All the rest I caught on reruns, or not at all. Mostly the latter. I probably don’t even watch more than an hour or two of TV a week today, unless there’s a good science or history show or an old movie on.

  16. @ Libra,
    Same goes for, if an alien landed on I95. I suppose 95% of the 13% live on the East Coast.

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  17. Couldn’t stand to listen to that leftist tripe. Watched it with the sound off for a while, just to see the clueless gestures and idiotic smugness.

    The only show I can watch on network tv is, “SEAL Team” CBS. It makes fun of elites and leftists. The diversity is purposeful and characters are realistic. The story line is sometimes formulaic, yet packs in some great storytelling. One of my favorite characters in the series is a Southern, hot head, seasoned SEAL member who’s passionate about America and speaks his mind. Great show, I highly recommend it.

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