Hollywood to the Rescue! Just Like They All Helped Hillary To Win in 2016!! – IOTW Report

Hollywood to the Rescue! Just Like They All Helped Hillary To Win in 2016!!

Haven’t these usual suspect celebrities realized that they made absolutely no impact in 2016? In fact, they probably contributed to Hillary’s unexpected defeat. Most people cannot stand being told what to do by faux intellectuals, dopes who condescendingly think they know better because they got lucky with acting careers.

21 Comments on Hollywood to the Rescue! Just Like They All Helped Hillary To Win in 2016!!

  1. I just hope that Ben Affleck gets out of rehab in time to help me decide who to vote for in November. I can’t wait for another movie with Robert Redford explaining where the country went wrong. When is Jane Fonda going to make a movie with her insane brother? Can Rob Reiner please save us? When will these deep thinking intellectuals explain what happened to the most qualified person to ever run for anything?

  2. I didn’t look to see if it was the same one I saw the other day. I saw that tiny elf head and Kevin Bacon and just assumed.

    That has to be the gayest commercial ever. As if they’re trying to act normal around a film crew in their house. Which by the way, I don’t recall how diverse the film crew was.

    What kind of disease shrinks your head? She’s got it!

  3. People whose primary, if not sole talent is pretending to be someone else for a living stumping for other people, whose primary, if not sole talent is pretending to be someone other than who they really are.

    Excuse me if I don’t follow their lead.

  4. And BTW – we don’t want to save the “Democracy” because what we have is a REPUBLIC. They don’t even know what kind of govt. we have, and yet they think we should take political advice from them.

  5. These hollyweird low-wattage dumbass puffdahs have no idea how condescending and out of touch they come across. They are completely disconnected from real life in America yet they take it upon themselves to tell the people out in flyover country (whom they despise) how to vote. They vastly overestimate their influence and celebrity, I have no idea who that stupid woman was and I have seen bacon before but why do I care what he says or thinks about anything.
    Dice cracks me up

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