Holy Man of the Religion of Peace – IOTW Report

Holy Man of the Religion of Peace

Yep… just like Christianity.

At my church we know it’s time for the Eucharist when the vein in the priest’s head gets as thick as a Twizzler.

ht/ hot salsa

19 Comments on Holy Man of the Religion of Peace

  1. I might invite him over for a nice pork chop dinner. I’ll give the dogs the leftovers, they think they’re people and sit in chairs and eat off the plates at the table. I heard muzzies think that’s cute.

  2. Still waiting for a Muslim to explain why the Quran says Allah is IN hell, torturing “disbelievers” with fire, boiling water, and thorns. I think we all know why he is there, instead of Heaven.

  3. Typical.

    I have been accused of being an Islamophobe by defenders of the religion of hate. I explained to them that I do not fear Islam, but loath it.

    If you want to blow their minds, ask them what there is to like about Islam. Their ignorance will then be on full display as they spew falsehoods. I don’t put up with their PC BS anymore and deliver a beatdown. Eff’em.

  4. How do you take a “religion” who’s prophet married a six year old girl and consummated the marriage when she was nine seriously?
    islam is a death cult for the low I Q $h!t-Hole living degenerates who have been interbreeding even before the epileptic madman mohamed heard voices in his head and introduced the scam that is islam.


    So if you divorce your wife in (insert islamic country,or Michigan for that matter now that they have a mussie congress-critter, here)is she still your sister?


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