Homeless California Men Arrested for Fight over Wearing Masks at Target – IOTW Report

Homeless California Men Arrested for Fight over Wearing Masks at Target

Breitbart: Phillip and Paul Hamilton were arrested on May 1 for a physical altercation resulting from their refusal to wear masks in a Van Nuys Target.

In a statement released on May 11, the Los Angeles Police Department said that both customers entered the store without masks and were immediately confronted. After they refused to don the required personal protective equipment, they were escorted from the store. As they were being led from the property, one of the suspects turned and struck a security guard. read more

12 Comments on Homeless California Men Arrested for Fight over Wearing Masks at Target

  1. ^^^ We should all live by the rule that people are most dangerous when they have nothing left to lose. That fact has been repeated throughout history.

  2. “The people on the bottom are usually the ones that start a revolution.”

    Oh, please.
    They may “start” revolutions, but they certainly never “finish” them.
    And I can’t think of a single instance of victory.

    Enlighten me. Thank you (beforehand).

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. “And I can’t think of a single instance of victory.”

    Cuba OK?

    Or Romania more recently?

    Or you could go back to the French and their little incident way back when.

    Or several dozens of other examples if you take time to learn a little 20th century history.

  4. Cuba – hard-core communists of the middle-class variety – on the backs of the peasants.

    Romania – the Army “… rank-and-file members of the military switched, almost unanimously, from supporting the dictator to backing the protesting population.”

    French – disaffected Aristocrats, clerics, and lawyers.

    The peasants have been played for fools in every revolution – those “with the least to lose” lost all – including their lives.

    I’m not the only one in need of a little 20th century history. Sometimes we have to separate the Romanticism from the facts.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Tim,

    You should learn history or you will repeat it.

    Revolutions start from the bottom, Coups from the top. and virtually nothing but gripes in the middle (who have enough to lose to risk losing it).


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