Homeless For the Holidays – Prince Andrew Allowed To Join Family For Christmas – IOTW Report

Homeless For the Holidays – Prince Andrew Allowed To Join Family For Christmas

Two days ago, King Charles threw his brother, alleged underage sexhound Prince Andrew, out of Buckingham Palace.

The 62-year-old perverted prince, who stepped away from the Royal Family three years ago over his ties with deviants duo Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell, is no longer allowed an office in the castle’s royal headquarters.

But they let the outcast join in the royal festivities for Christmas. He was the Christmas turkey.

Peephole Magazine

10 Comments on Homeless For the Holidays – Prince Andrew Allowed To Join Family For Christmas

  1. who stepped away from the Royal Family three years ago over his ties with deviants duo Jeffrey Epstein

    I believe it was the Queen that gave her son his walking papers. However, she allowed him to have an office in Buckingham Palace and staff. Well his brother Charles took that away, and rightly so. He no longer has business at Buckingham. He paid out millions from his inheritance to the under age girl he had sex with. Whatever, he’s still living royally.

  2. Perverts for as long as they’ve had a monarchy in England/UK.

    When you can get away with anything – you do.

    And to think we threw off the likes of George III for the Retarded Pedophile Usurper Joey?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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