Homeless Transgender Damages Police Cameras – IOTW Report

Homeless Transgender Damages Police Cameras

The individual that was arrested by New York City’s Warrant Squad Tuesday, Nikki Stone, is a homeless transsexual wanted for damaging police cameras numerous times. The 18-year-old had taken up with BLM protestors camping out in front of City Hall in recent weeks.

Officers claim that just prior to the arrest, Stone had approached the unmarked police van and began yelling at officers in an attempt to intimidate or cause a disturbance.

Now every New York cop hating leftist in the city are accusing the NYPD of “kidnapping” Stone, thought the miscreant has already been processed and released. More

9 Comments on Homeless Transgender Damages Police Cameras

  1. What kind of description is “tranny”? It’s just another crazy wrecker in a country full of these creeps. The Left keeps them on the street to drag down our society and culture to keep us distracted to where we won’t see them grab power.

  2. I thought “she” was a big ol gal the cops were wrestling to get in the van.
    Seems “she” now has a GFM page to raise money for “her” homeless situation. Last checked it’s up to 37k++. That’ should take care of that sex reassignment…..I mean a nice safe apartment in the city.

  3. He not only identifies as a woman by the name of Nikki Stone, but also as a charity case by the name of ‘Stickers’ –who has been racking up donations and adulation on a gofundme page that has raised over $40,000 so far.


    I don’t even know what to comment on this… I think we have just about reached cultural critical mass.


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