Homeopaths Take an Unscheduled Trip – IOTW Report

Homeopaths Take an Unscheduled Trip

A group of self-described “Heilpraktikers” (translation Health Practitioners) took a very strong (and illegal) hallucinogen called Aquarust.


29 members of the group were found “staggering around, rolling in a meadow, talking gibberish and suffering severe cramps.”

The “Heilpraktikers” were apparently into homeopath, which calls for taking multiple doses of a nearly infinitesimal amount of a substance in order to build up an immunity to it.


That ain’t no way to fun, son.

7 Comments on Homeopaths Take an Unscheduled Trip

  1. It’s a good thing they didn’t dilute it with water by a factor of 10 million. They would have all died from overdoses.

    Old joke: “Did you hear about the homeopath who forgot to take his medication? He died of an overdose.”

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