Homeowner Armed With .357 Magnum Shoots And Kills Intruder as He Kicked Down Front Door – IOTW Report

Homeowner Armed With .357 Magnum Shoots And Kills Intruder as He Kicked Down Front Door


California- While the couple was having breakfast, they heard a knock at the door, followed by the subject attempting to kick the door down. The husband, fearing for his and his wife’s safety obtained his legally owned firearm to defend them. The intruder ultimately broke the door completely down and entered the residence. The husband fired on the intruder who then fled.

The deceased intruder, has been identified as a 27-year-old male from Suisun City. We have also learned he was currently on parole for a violent crime out of Alameda County. The Fairfield Police Department’s Investigation’s Bureau has taken over the investigation. As there are other aspects still being looked into, no further information will be released at this time.


35 Comments on Homeowner Armed With .357 Magnum Shoots And Kills Intruder as He Kicked Down Front Door

  1. “As there are other aspects still being looked into, no further information will be released at this time.”

    Yes, like the races of both the shooter and the victim, and if the victim is black, watch out.

    This is in my county. Fairfield has a big gang problem but their police department is pretty good.

    The homeowner will still have to go through a Grand Jury inquest and be asked stupid questions like,”Did you give him fair warning before killing him, could you have fired a warning shot, wouldn’t it have been more prudent to retreat to a bedroom and lock yourself in, did you bother to call the police first or did you just take matters into your hands?”, dumb stuff like that.

  2. Did the 357 have magnum ammo or 38 Special ammo?

    Having JHP is all the rage for semi-autos but a 158 gr. lead semi-wadcutter or wadcutter will expand up to 3/4 of an inch with a 357 magnum load.

  3. Let’s not forget now, this happened in California – not in Texas. As Brad said, people who live in the Fairfield area – ah heck throughout California, are armed. Anyone foolish enough to barge into anyone’s home here, can expect not to make it to the end of the sidewalk. Note that it was a private citizen acting responsibly. No gang banging stuff, just a clean act of self defense.

  4. Notice again: they flat-out say the homeowner shot and killed the guy, but he was a “suspected” and “alleged” home invader.

    If the home invader had shot and killed the homeowner they would say he was “suspected” or “alleged” to have done it.

  5. Good thing the homeowner wasn’t using a Eurofag 9mm. That .357 Magnum does the trick. Many hunters carry the .357 Magnum in bear country for protection, as I do. You’d be an idiot to carry a 9mm for that purpose.

  6. Hambone
    I carry a Eurofag 9 around town loaded with HST’s. Exit wound is 5/8 (.625 dia.) I do occasionally carry a Les Baer on Sundays or vacations. But in the back country I carry a Smith 629 or a Ruger Super Black Hawk. A 357 is an in between cartridge. Doesn’t really do a good job on a bear, travels to far in the city.

  7. @ Brad
    I always have Buffalo Bore hard cast .357 Magnum ammo in bear country. True, you wouldn’t want that in the city against perps because the bullet tends to keep going and going, but it is a proven black bear stopper.

  8. Hambone

    That round is still known as a useless tweener. Not my words. I had an old Python 6 inch. Probably the most accurate handgun I ever owned. But Colt fucked it up. All old Pythons are safe queens. The quickly lose head space. Both the 629 and the Super Black Hawk drive nails. Mean while, in town, I want something that stops with the first thing it hits. A G19 and HST’s fit that criteria.

  9. @Brad

    Great. Now you made me miss my 8 & 3/8″ Model 29.

    I’m gonna Cry! But, I switched Bigly to Archery.
    Makes less noise than a Fart in church.


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