Homeowner Arrested When He Shoots One of Four Burglars in His House – IOTW Report

Homeowner Arrested When He Shoots One of Four Burglars in His House

ht/ jd hasty

17 Comments on Homeowner Arrested When He Shoots One of Four Burglars in His House

  1. Not blaming the victim, but is it possible that the defender is not squeaky clean? Could there have been some things in the house which were known to the invaders, and could the defender also have been acquainted with his attackers?

    There was a similar previous incident in this henetal area, and I can’t help but wonder if we should be more circumspect before declaring some of these people 2A heroes.

    Again, he could be totally legit and squeaky clean, but the media is going to make it hard for us to get to the whole truth. Maybe someone from the area can provide some color to this story.

  2. It would be helpful to know the race of those involved as that often effects how justice is handed out.

    Goin out on a limb here but I’m guessing the perps were a “protected” minority.

  3. Jonathan Hatami is the DDA who is running to replace Gascon, who is the one L.A. needs. Hoping he wins next year. But Angelenos tend to vote for people like Gascon for a reason – which is why I left.

  4. I don’t give a fuck what you ‘might’ have in your home; if someone breaks in, especially at night, they should get carried out feet first.
    The real problem is cops HATE armed self defense and CCW, as if you’re infringing on their job to write a report after the fact.
    FUCK that; better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6.

  5. We had a similar case in Illinois where the home owner was arrested for shooting 2 intruders. The home owner had a prior arrest and was not allowed to have any firearms. So the intruders recovered and no charges made against and the home owner went to prison for felony weapons charge.

  6. Rule #1 is, if you use your weapon, youre gonna be arrested.

    Rule #2 is, if you use your weapon, best to be the first to report it rather that have the police come looking for you for “brandishing” a weapon. Then they come with a mind set of detaining an armed wacko.

  7. I could be wrong, but last I heard he had not been arrested and there were no charges against him. Not a good hood. I think the cops were just trying to restrain him. Although I’m not sure why. Fat cop number two with the Glock pointed at the guy back with his finger on the trigger pissed me off the most about this story.

  8. The only time i had an excuse to shoot an intruder my nephew took over.
    Scoped him from about 50 yards one pull and gone.
    We no longer have a Red squirrel problem.
    This is in Canada where guns are verbotten so keep it to yourselves.

  9. “I don’t give a fuck what you ‘might’ have in your home; if someone breaks in, especially at night, they should get carried out feet first.”

    No doubt, but if you’ve got, say, a kilo of coke, or maybe a large sum of drug deal cash, in a house full of innocent people, and the wrong people know that, you are no hero, no matter how many home invaders you take out. These days, I am always looking for the rest of the story.

  10. Alexb,

    Someone I know Staples Them to the trees in his back yard with a Compound Bow.

    FUNNY as HELL to see them hanging there like Horse Thieves.

    Cheers with a shot of Crown!


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