Homeschooling Far Superior To Government Schooling – IOTW Report

Homeschooling Far Superior To Government Schooling

12 Comments on Homeschooling Far Superior To Government Schooling

  1. When GWB signed “COMMON CORE” into law – 1/8/01 – conservatives said it sole purpose was to indoctrinate kids into “Americans bad, white rascists”. And they started pulling kid from school NOlt only public schools. Nearby St. John Bosco has “taught” COMMON CORE for 17 years. Some parents found out and complained 15 years ago. Told, “we take GWB’s $ so we must do as he says>”!

    About 12 or 13 years ago many articles were in the net, NOT IN “NEWS” PAPERS, on how home Schooled kids did much better. And the trend really took off!
    Girl that won a national spelling BEE a few months back has always been home schooled!

    It should be no surprise that the Bush folk have started branding home schooling parents “DOMESTIC TERRORISTS”!.

  2. This silver lining to the ever-darkening clouds of government schools is the return to the 3-R’s and a more closely-knit, American Nuclear Family, devoid of toxic perversion, pseudo-racism, shaming, and hate.

  3. My K-12 homeschooled son can think for himself, is independent-minded and can sniff out BS a mile away. Upwind. And he can handle weaponry with proficiency. 😁


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