Homeschooling is NOT a crime – IOTW Report

Homeschooling is NOT a crime

Michelle Malkin: It’s elementary. Education control freaks will use any excuse to crack down on competition. With two million K-12 students now educated at home (including our 9th grade son), the temptation to exploit the most marginal cases of alleged child abuse by home-schoolers has proven irresistible to statist politicians and government apologists.

Take the case of David and Louise Turpin’s 13 starving children, reportedly found tethered to their beds after one of the siblings escaped and contacted police. The Turpins’ “house of horrors” in Riverside County, California, grabbed international headlines last week — and lured a parade of publicity hounds. Former neighbors in Texas claimed they suspected physical abuse by the parents but did nothing at the time. These thirsty fame-seekers will, however, be appearing on “Dr. Phil” later this week to slurp up their 15 minutes of leechdom.

Louise Turpin’s half-sister, Teresa Robinette, who also sat on the sidelines for years, miraculously found the energy and motivation to wake up early for an interview on NBC’s “Today Show,” where she gregariously gossiped about family secrets.

Another of Louise Turpin’s sisters, Elizabeth Flores, dry-cried and show-sniffled on ABC’s “Good Morning America” about her “love” for the Turpin children whom she claims to have tried to Skype unsuccessfully “for 20 years.” How heroic of her. Flores also confessed that David Turpin allegedly spied on her while she showered. For some reason, it was more urgent for Flores to report this information to “GMA” anchor Robin Roberts and millions of strangers tuned into the boob tube than it was to tell her sister. Or her nieces and nephews. Or authorities.

But instead of training tough scrutiny where it belongs — on the parents, relatives and acquaintances of the alleged victims — California legislators and narrative-shaping liberal journalists have instead directed their wrath at home schooling.  MORE

14 Comments on Homeschooling is NOT a crime

  1. I have a cousin who home schooled her daughter. Absolutely no social skills and dumber than a liberal. Not sure where to stand on the issue. Schools nowadays could produce same outcome.

  2. We homeschooled our 3 kids and probably broke every rule in the book doing it. My son is a foreman for a fiber optics company installing fiber optic cable systems. He learned everything he needs to know the old fashioned way with lots of hard work and on the job training. My oldest daughter went thru the Running Start program and graduated with an Associates degree and HS diploma at the same time and saved herself a couple of years of college. She got a degree in govt. at Eastern Wash. University and her first job was as a paid staffer for our local Congresswoman Kathy McMorris Rogers inside the US Capitol for a yr. and a half before going to Regent University in Virginia Beach to get a Masters Degree in govt. and a husband who was also attending Regent. They live in Nashville and are doing very well. And my youngest daughter is a preschool teacher at the Head start at Spokane Falls Comm. College. They’re all doing well and none of them ever set foot in a public school. Like I say we probably broke every rule doing it but it was worth it and we’d do it again because they learned far more on their own than they would’ve in a public school. The public school system can kiss my ass.

  3. I had about a half dozen high school aged home schooled kids work for me when I was in a management position.
    Some of the best kids I ever had work for me.
    I had never given it much thought before that experience but when people say that home schooled kids don’t get socialized because they aren’t around kids their age: I have to ask, is that a bad thing.
    Public High Schools train kids to be assholes for the most part.

  4. OT, If you missed The Ingraham Angle tonight. Try and find it. She tore Vicente Fox so many new holes he won’t know which one to shit out of. She led of with the question “Why cant you keep your people happy?”. Awesome.

  5. Our eldest Daughter attending public school, She earned her BS and MS Degree at the University of Illinois.
    Our next eldest (son)attended 10 years in Public school and 2 years at a Christian Academy through graduation. He attended 2 years at a Community College and choose to work.
    Our third daughter attended Christian school for 5 years and was home schooled through graduation and chose to work versus attending college.
    Our youngest daughter never set foot in a Public School. She was home schooled, earned her BS and MS Degree from Kent State.

    We banded with other home schoolers for regular social events, provided lessons for piano, field trips to zoos, libraries, museums, factories and other businesses. We partnered with Christian schools for athletics and were grateful for their willingness to share their libraries and expertise.

    For some of the classes (Algebra, geometry and calculus) one parent taught several students (she was a retired University Professor). Another was a retired HS Teacher who taught Chemistry & Biology for 25 years.

    Most classes were one on one, with the exception of Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry or specialty classes for public speaking and presentations where 2 or 3 students were taught at a time.

    We built an association of home school families who desired to have a Christ centered Curriculum and the best education we could provide our children without the state mandated socialist/liberal, social justice minded curriculum, not to mention peer influence.

    We didn’t go it alone we partnered with other Home School families who were more experienced and provided direction and resources when needed.

    An excellent choice all around (and each child helped reach the decision to attend Public, Christian or home school).

  6. Home schooled kids learn, probably without being taught in most cases that the government isn’t necessary to do everything.

    “ Very dangerous thoughts Comrade. These home schoolers must be shut down.”

  7. Commies will NEVER miss a chance to use a tragedy to gain more control.

    It would be amusing, the speed at which some idiot politician comes up with another asinine way to grab more money and power, if it weren’t so damn frightening

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