Homicide: Life in Latin America – IOTW Report

Homicide: Life in Latin America

Thursday, a report by the Igrape Institute on conditions throughout Latin America that found some very alarming facts.

1.) Though just eight percent of the globe’s population, the region accounts for a third of all murders.

2.) Since 2000, about 2.5 million Latin Americans have been murdered.

3.) Murder rates in Latin America are about three times higher than the world rate.

4.) If current rates hold by 2030, Latin American homicide will come to 35 out of 100,000 annually (global rates are expected to be 7.9 per 100,000).

5.) Just four countries, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico and Venezuela account for a fourth of all murders.

6.) 43 of the 50th most murderous cities on earth are in Latin America More

12 Comments on Homicide: Life in Latin America

  1. Add to murder the high rates of illegal alien sexual assault often against elderly women and children, sometimes toddlers. Sometimes extremely violent and always without remorse.

  2. But…but…but Delta, United, American Airlines, and the high-end travel magazines make Latin America seem like a paradise of palm trees, gorgeous beaches, and bikini-clad young women.

    Who to believe? (sarcasm).

  3. If only the globally conscious celebrities would make a commercial talking about how all the illegal drug trade is fueling this massacre of innocence and every American who uses drugs recreational has blood on their hands and they only way for this to stop would be for everyone to stop getting high on a bloody supply.

    At the very end just say: it’s like “blood diamonds” but instead of “diamonds” think “your stash”.

    I won’t hold my breath for the PSA.

  4. I’ve worked in Honduras.
    The first time I flew in, we had to stay in the plane for an hour since several people were shot inside the airport and out front.
    It was a very small airport.

    The local newspaper has a section in the back that shows a layout of the country and they use emojis like guns, fire, robbery, etc to point out where those occurred the day before.
    I saved one of those papers.

    I was told “DO NOT LEAVE THE HOTEL!”
    I did, being 49% brave and 51% idiot.
    I went to a nearby mall and man, did I get a fair amount of looks.

  5. Flew from Chicongo to Cancun in 89…Original Flight left two

    hours early(missed it)…We got rerouted through Air Mexicana…

    Got absolutely terrorized on the Plane for eating the inflight

    meal..(as We were stowaways )

    Then got deposited in Mexico City…In a Howard Johnsons..

    that had HJ spray painted out on the marquis…menus..

    napkin holders…No Luggage…So I suggested We all venture

    out to the local watering holes…Armed Guards at the Gates

    told us not go out…I laughed and said I’ve been to worse

    places…Ten feet out of the Gate there’s giant Graffiti

    saying “Death to Gringo’s” and plenty of bored young men with

    scowls…I said “Hotel Bar seems nice” and We all went back in.

  6. You are all missing the point: Murder is Racist!

    Not one city on the list of top 50 murder havens is Asian or Caucasian, (non-hispanic) majority. That’s why I tell anyone that mentions the beautiful beaches of Mexico or Belize that they should go to truly awesome beaches like Boraki, Phuket, and Da Nang.

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