Hong Kong Protesters Pause To Mark Sept. 11 – IOTW Report

Hong Kong Protesters Pause To Mark Sept. 11


HONG KONG (Reuters) – Hong Kong activists called off protests on Wednesday in remembrance of the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks on the United States and denounced a Chinese state newspaper report that they were planning “massive terror” in the Chinese-ruled city.

Hong Kong has been rocked by months of sometimes violent unrest, prompted by anger over planned legislation to allow extraditions to China, but broadening into calls for democracy and for Communist rulers in Beijing to leave the city alone.

“Anti-government fanatics are planning massive terror attacks, including blowing up gas pipes, in Hong Kong on September 11,” the Hong Kong edition of the China Daily said on its Facebook page, alongside a picture of the hijacked airliner attacks on the twin towers in New York.

“The 9/11 terror plot also encourages indiscriminate attacks on non-native speakers of Cantonese and starting mountain fires.” read more

7 Comments on Hong Kong Protesters Pause To Mark Sept. 11

  1. Kick China out of the WTO. They and Russia are the cause of almost all the misery in the world.

    Oh, and end the trade war. Let’s just ban all trade with China period. It would cause massive social unrest and insurrection.

    They need us. We don’t need them.

  2. Could not find any other place to insert this.

    9-11-2019 – I SHALL NEVER FORGET


    Arrived at LaGuardia (AM) from Reagan (DC). Caught a cab to 5th Ave. and saw the first big ball of flames just after being hit. Taxi driver and I thought it was a Hollywood stunt for a movie.

    Worked for an Engineering/Occupational Safety & Health National company, with an office across the Street from the Empire state Bldg. I was scheduled to meet with a telecommunications company (whose antenna was atop one of the buildings) to inspect their Manhattan facility and develop a H&S Plan.

    By the time I arrived at my office, everyone was watching the events on television. Then the next building was hit. The rest, everyone knows.

    The streets were shoulder-to-shoulder people in disbelief and awed panic. The subways were shut down along with all forms of public transportation. My return flight was useless.

    All auto travel exits out of Manhattan were reportedly blocked or closed. I already had booked a room, days before at a nearby hotel. Our office building was evacuated due to the Empire State Building being across the street and fear that it would be hit next.

    Everyone was trapped out on the street. I checked in to the hotel after several hours of winding and swimming through a sea of people. My scheduled appointment had also been canceled. Cell phones no longer worked.


    Went out the next morning and walked to Ground Zero. People still in shock.

    There was total armed security surrounding the Site, blocked off by side-by-side dump trucks and other vehicles hiding mountainous piles of igneous and billowing, volcanic-like rubble. The massive smoke cloud, choking the sky, wafted away towards the E/NE. I was due to return to DC that day, but now no way to leave. The hotel let me stay an extra night for free, including the night before.


    Penn Station was reportedly open and I arrived to wait in line for some 5 hours to finally buy a ticket and catch the next train to DC, Union Station.

    Arrived at Union Station later and caught the Metro to Reagan Airport. No one was in the airport, and an empty graveyard of hundreds of docked aircraft.

    So, I walked to the parking lot to retrieve my car. No parking charge and I drove toward Maryland, passing the Pentagon with massive smoke clouds hovering over the north, across the Potomac. I was one of a few cars driving during afternoon rush hour.

    A sadness lingered everywhere as I drove on empty streets that I had driven over for decades and bicycled over to DC as a kid to walk inside all of the government buildings at-will and unhindered.

    I felt I had entered Hell.

    About a Month Later

    Was scheduled to monitor dust removal operations with all HVAC duct systems in several buildings surrounding Ground Zero, as employee absenteeism was reportedly due to the HVAC systems being in full operation during and after the 9/11 Event. The 9/11 dust was believed deposited within the HVAC duct systems with the dust and human remains of the Event every time the system kicked on. It was feared (or believed) it was
    continually blowing into occupied spaces through the supply air registers.

    Arrived a second time in another building. This time, I afterward walked the streets and still saw people with pictures of their missing loved-ones, imploring/asking people, “Have you seen this person”? After several hours of this very saddening and doleful experience, I returned to my hotel room and wept all night (the tears always come every 9/11). Left
    the next day, as the dust abatement had passed the testing and inspection.


    Lost a close business colleague that Day from Texas, to whom I spoke over the phone many times concerning upcoming projects for his company. I will never hear that friendly voice ever
    again. The company I was working for, had a standing multi-million dollar contract for monitoring and testing for asbestos abatement at the two vanished buildings. Soon after,
    the company slowly folded. I left before then and started my own company.

    I Shall Never Forget.

  3. One of the craziest things of all is that the U.S., under prior administrations, had massive trade agreements with China in the first place. Post WWII our country spent a significant percentage of our GDP “Making the world safe for Democracy” and we were shoveling another huge percentage out the back door to the largest communist country? And the most ironic part is that American companies were drooling over how many mouths China had to consume Coke, McDonalds, KFC and Pizza Hut; how many drivers for Ford, GM, and Chrysler; how many passengers for Boeing, only to discover that communist-run “companies” in China would end up owning their secrets and patents. (It’s only a matter of time before they unlock the spice profile of KFC).

    As it turned out, China understood how easily a free people could become addicted to $10.00 sweaters and $14.00 jeans from Costco and the business model of Dollar Stores. Now a lunch for two at McDonalds costs about $25.00 and a Coke at a theater goes for about $5.00. And China is a communist as they ever were.


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