Hong Kong: “We couldn’t even pay people to get jabs” – IOTW Report

Hong Kong: “We couldn’t even pay people to get jabs”

Montana Daily Gazette

The warning, a rejection of proposals by local Hong Kong officials to combat vaccine hesitancy, followed reports that Hong Kong may have to discard large numbers of vaccine candidate doses soon to expire after failing to convince locals to take them.

“We couldn’t even pay people to get jabs,” Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK) paraphrased Lam as telling her Executive Council.

“To offer cash or something physical to encourage vaccination shouldn’t be done by the government and may even cause the opposite effect,” Lam said. Lam suggested that private company drives to offer free products or cash rebates would likely be more successful, a concession that much of Hong Kong’s vaccine hesitancy is due to lack of trust in the government. more here

23 Comments on Hong Kong: “We couldn’t even pay people to get jabs”

  1. i “identify” as “vaccinated” and I feel fine too…
    And I’m not slothing off artificial man made spiked proteins to contaminate others…

    I’ve been good for more than a year without infection…
    explain why i need vaccinated now

  2. What Chickity said. I just wish the Globalists would stop trying to destroy cheap and effective covid therapeutics just to prop up their scam. Also stop trying to belittle natural immunity acquired through infection.

    How many of those who got the jab will go back for their booster jab in six months?

  3. Trust the politicians, big government the lock step media, money sucking hospitals, doctors and pharmaceutical vultures . They would never lie to us and money has no interest to them.
    By the way I have a large bridge I can sell you.

  4. I received an email from my insurance company yesterday with a link to find a vaccine clinic near me and availability so I clicked on it and put my zip code in (Hays Cty TX) and 50 places came up from all the surrounding towns within 25 miles in Hays, Dripping Springs, New Braunfels and they all had product available and were open for immediate vaccination with the exception of two CVS drugstores. About when HEB first got their vaccines awhile ago they had the obligatory rush and line. Now all these places are begging people to come in with promises of $5 off in store or a free taco. Jeez people at least wait until they get desperate with their ‘gift’ offers.

  5. People in Hong Kong are no different than Americans rejecting the kill jab. That’s the name it should be dubbed “the kill shot!” Heh, did ya gt the kill shot yet Jim? Yeah? Well nice knowing you…… Heh, did you get the kill shot? Nope, I don’t plan to die a miserable death like the ones who got it.

    Short story: So yesterday DH had to have a minor medical procedure. We were met with “a required mask, temperature taken, then the big question. Did you get vaccinated?” asked by an RN – a big fat ass RN! DH said NO! I asked her if she had the kill shot. She rolled her eyes and said yes of course I’m an RN! I stepped way back from her and told her since we didn’t get the vaccine, and she’s the one contaminated, I’ll stay away from you. She rolled her eyes. I got to smirk. 🙂

  6. My point is it’s irresponsible to tell people they’re gonna die if they get the vaccine. That’s the same hysteria they’ve used to promote the pandemic in the first place.

    Sorry to burst the conspiracy bubble, but I don’t feel any nanobots roaming around in my bloodstream either.

  7. Every pharmacy I call lately has a recording that starts with, “If you’d like the cancel your covid19 vaccination, please press 1”

    Jason- I hope you have no side effects and continue to be rona free. Not saying that sarcastically.

  8. A free taco !!

    Why didn’t they say that sooner. If there’s any incentive for me to take potshots re my health, it’s that !

  9. If they gotta give away free $hit in order to kill you, there’s something wrong with the person willing to step up and take the kill shot. Government knows there’s plenty of crazy people who likes free $hit. Think of it as Satan offering to kill you with your permission!

  10. Don’t buy into the narrative! STOP USING THE TERM “HESITANCY” please. My decision not to be an experimental animal was an informed one after evaluating the probable benefits and likely costs and risks. I am most assuredly not “hesitant” about it; it’s a firm decision.

    Like any decision, it’s always possible that some new bit of information will cause me to reevaluate it. In this case, that’s about as likely as Ratshita Tlaib converting to Judaism.

  11. Every year, there are arguments over getting the flu shot. It’s pushed by doctors, nurses, government, family and friends and none of them know how to shut up after you say no. lol. The Rona vaccine is the same strategy, only this time it’s like they’re trying to tape your ass to a table and stick you with the RonaVax AND stop you from doing/buying things if you don’t. For a virus with a survival rate in the high 90s. So it’s understandable that non-interested or anti-rona vax sentiments get a little rowdy.

    When you have to look up your rights to avoid medicine forced on you, issa problem.

  12. I wonder how anyone can view interviews with PhD virologists or scientists with decades of lab experience working in the field of virology who say this “vaccine” isn’t a vaccine and the spike proteins it’s forcing your body to create will have very bad future ramifications for you. They show you images of before and after red blood cells and still you get a shot??

    OR others in the medical field that are witnessing info obviously being suppressed like over 3,000 deaths of healthy people and 1,000s of others who had really bad reactions after getting the shot?

    No way I’m taking a shot to “protect” me against a virus with a 99%+ survival rate.

    For Christ sakes, our ancestors came here in tiny wooden boats or headed out into Indian country and people are worried about getting the GD flu?

  13. If Trump would have been re-elected (allowed to win) what would democrats be saying today about the vaccines? Would there be more scrutiny and freedom to discuss vaccine injuries and deaths? Would your personal choice on taking the vaccine or not change? For the record mine would not. And my decision is based simply on the fact I’d survive Covid easily and I have a robust immune system along with knowing my risk of injury from an untested, unproven vaccine is much higher both short and long term. I also believe everyone should have personal choice in the matter and could care less what you choose.

  14. Difference between pushing the covid shot and the flu shot, they don’t away from $hit for the flu shot yet millions die every year with the flu. Not everyone dies from the flu or covid – so why the free stuff to get you to take the jab?

    Cmn¢¢guy May 26, 2021 at 10:39 am

    Just in case you missed it.
    Dr. Lee Merritt explains her belief that America is currently facing what appears to be biological warfare.

    I agree with Dr. Merritt, it’s a worthwhile listen.


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