Honoring a Mayor That Has an Unfortunate Name – IOTW Report

Honoring a Mayor That Has an Unfortunate Name


28 Comments on Honoring a Mayor That Has an Unfortunate Name

  1. Funny.

    There was an obituary on the internet a few years ago of a man in Canada named Dick Cox.

    But I think the perfect name for a mayor would be Meyer Mair. He would be officially Mayor Meyer Mair, a natural for the office of mayor.

  2. Naming the building after Harry Baals is facing stiff competition – and of course his great, great-nephew thinks that Harry Baals should hang on the side of the building. The comedy writes itself!

  3. I went to an endodontist once named Howard Fine. Seeing as he was about to do a root canal on me, I avoided the “Dr Fine, Dr Howard, Dr Fine” jokes. I’m sure he’d heard them all before anyway.

  4. a qb that played for the U of MD back in the early ’60’s w/ had the unfortunate name of Dick Shiner
    (guess he preferred ‘Dick’ instead of Rich or Rick)

    probably caught a lotta crap in foozeball games for that name
    (I know, I know … he’s the qb, so he threw a lotta crap)

    … played 10 years in the NFL & was the first qb to officially post a perfect game

  5. The oddest name I ever heard was a guy from Israel. I never met him but heard about him. Both first and last names were the Hebrew (I guess) for Samuel. Which was Shmuel.

    So his name was Shmuel Shmuel.

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