Hope Everyone Had A Happy Valentine’s Day – IOTW Report

Hope Everyone Had A Happy Valentine’s Day

19 Comments on Hope Everyone Had A Happy Valentine’s Day

  1. Another Hallmark holiday brought to you by the card and candy cartels. Wife is in CA taking care of her sister with Alzheimer’s. After nearly 40 years of marriage, we don’t observe fake holidays. We love each other regardless of the miles that separate us.

  2. I once bought a box of chocolates on Amazon and got an idler-arm bushing in the mail. WTF? It just happened to fit my Beetle.

    This is NOT a true story at all.

    I DID once order some cut-proof gloves on Amazon and got a fucking rear fender for a bicycle. That IS a true story.

    So, we can make up anything we want.

  3. Jesse Watters Prime Time World will be repeated in about 10 minutes or 1 hour and 10 minutes depending upon what time it is now where you are or when so watch for it so you don’t miss the lists that went by too quick.

    Maybe there is a Slo-Mo Zoom App to do that

    Thank You for your attention

  4. MrLiberty
    WEDNESDAY, 14 FEBRUARY 2024, 23:35 AT 11:35 PM
    “Wife is in CA taking care of her sister with Alzheimer’s.”

    …bless your wife for taking care of her, and you for understanding and loving her.

    My mother mercifully passed on Valentine’s Day. Left us about 5 minutes before I or my niece, her primary caretaker, could get there. Probably for the best. If there’s a God in Heaven she’s with Him now, no longer imprisoned in a failed house of flesh.

    I am no comfort even to my own, even to myself. The nature of my relationship to the sick and dying equipped me with a black humor coping mechanism that is wholly inappropriate with distressed mourners, but I can’t turn it off. Best I could do us suppress it, say some rote prayers (she was a Catholic and many were beaten into me so that helped), and otherwise keeps mouth shut.

    But I did say this.

    Because every time we went to my father’s grave, which had a shared headstone with her name already on it, she would Peay with and without me, pretend my terrible bagpipe playing was good, then as we turned to leave blow a kiss to the grave and say “see you soon”.

    So what I said to the increasingly full room, which had filled with relatives long after it emptied of the spirit of my mother, was that, since it was Valentines Day, she was impatient to spend it in Heaven with him.

    Best I can do.

    I am pretty useless in mourning situations. I climb into a clinical box so I can get shit done without feelz getting in the way. I’ll go somewere private and scream later, and believe me that bill comes due. But not now. Just what time and circumstance turned me into.

    As for the dead, even my nearest and dearest, she is beyond pain, beyond the world, beyond my help.

    My business is with the living, not the dead.

    And this makes me useless to mourners, even myself.

    The woman who loved me, housed me, fed me, raised me and loved me for my entire life is dead, and all I can do is pule to people I will never know and bring yet another funny thread down, for which I apologize Clusdia, but I have to tell someone. I won’t poison any other threads tho, you can tell BFH that.

    I’m not OK.

    I can’t even pray.

    …I hope your sister has other friends and family to be with her when her sister’s day comes, Mr. Liberty. It’s a blessing when one so stricken finally passes to glory, but it would be terrible to deal with alone.

    I’ll go away now.

    Happy Valentines Day.

  5. Brad – Pasadena…so a long ways away. This isn’t her first trip to help her sister out, and both her mom and my mom had Alzheimer’s, so not her first trip down that road either. Her daughters are close by, but they need a break every now and then. Thanks for the thought.

  6. @SNS, I’m very sorry for the loss of your mother, and I think what you said was perfect–“since it was Valentines Day, she was impatient to spend it in Heaven with him.” And they’ll never be separated again. 💙🙏🏻

  7. SNS, may God bless you with peace and joy as you process the loss of your dear mother.

    Let yourself grieve and don’t listen to those who say it’s time to move on. Only listen to God’s leading you, for he is the only one who truly knows you.

    I’m praying for you.


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