Hopefully, This Will Be The Last “Walz” For Minnesota – IOTW Report

Hopefully, This Will Be The Last “Walz” For Minnesota

Daily Caller

Democratic Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz is reportedly seeking clarification from President Donald Trump about the president’s “Liberate Minnesota” tweet Friday.

Sabrina Siddiqui, national politics reporter for the Wall Street Journal, tweeted Friday that Walz “says he tried to call President Trump and Vice President Pence in the last couple of hours and doesn’t know what to make of Trump’s ‘Liberate Minnesota’ tweet. Walz says his call has not been returned.” More

13 Comments on Hopefully, This Will Be The Last “Walz” For Minnesota

  1. 1,000 TU’s for you Bob M. i am right with you. Adolf is killing the state. the President wants to open up things, Adolf doubles down and now REQUIRES masks to be worn.

    He is lucky he is not up for election in November. but the sheeple here will re-elect him when it is time. this will be a distant memory. it will be up to the challenger to remind people.

  2. Minn sure picks some great reps, The four eyed Moose Tlaib What an ignorant beach she is,

    Anyone elected to Congress must have a working knowledge of the Foundation Documents to even get in the door.

  3. WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA…. he didn’t call me back!
    The Guv sounds like some broken-hearted Psycho Hose Beast sobbing by the phone waiting for it to ring!
    You want clarification Guv?
    The President said “Liberate”, not lubricate! Look it up!

  4. I’m fairly sure that POTUS doesn’t have time to placate some butt hurt governor who appears to have overstepped his authority. Perhaps the guv should pick up his dictionary and look up liberate, or he could ask any patriot.


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