Hornet vs. Cockroach – IOTW Report

Hornet vs. Cockroach

I’m not sure if I’d want to live in a place where hornets are attacking cockroaches right outside the front door, but this real nature in all its brutality. Watch

12 Comments on Hornet vs. Cockroach

  1. And the analogy to American politics?

    The cockroach is the American taxpayer; the wasp zombifying the roach represents the Democrats; and gecko snatching them both up is Trump!

    But I have to say that Trump has been entirely too nice to our enemies within – so far.

  2. Here is more nature as its most brutal. Yet, this big male lion taking down a cape buffalo is somehow mesmerizing. The male lion acts alone, and his strength and cunning is fantastic. One reason why I love cats of all sizes. Their hunting abilities are legendary.

    This video is not for the sensitive. Liberals are advised to not watch.


  3. We had a “shop’ black widow in a 5 gallon glass jug….I won a lot of money from the mexicans when they would bring in a bug to challenge Shirley….wasps were easy prey…the best battle was with a big praying mantis….Shirley didn’t fuck around….

  4. Cockroaches are possibly the lowest form, or at least the most repulsive, of insect life God created. Yet, if human science could create even one and it lasted for a second, that would by YUGE. But, IMO, human science will never be able to create any animal life. That is God’s domain.

  5. @ Tim- Interesting clip, shows somewhat unusual behavior. Lions usually leave hunting to females of the pride. The lionesses work as a team and the alpha male will show up for the feast.
    Most cats, large and small, are solitary ambush predators. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eu1by5-BpTA
    Note the buff was killed by suffocation as the lion crushed it’s throat. Other cats will use different tactics, such as a bite to the neck to sever the spinal cord. But this is nearly impossible on large cattle due to their massive musculature.
    Dogs tend to hunt in packs, harrying and finally overwhelming
    the prey with gang tactics.
    Reptiles have developed their own methods:

    Nature has one simple rule: eat or be eaten.

  6. Chuck Darwin October 28, 2018 at 8:53 pm

    Hey Chuck, glad you liked it. I believe male lions hunt when bachelors, perhaps with some brother lions. After they get a pride, then the lady lions do the work.

    Here is one with wolves hunting bison, which shows great teamwork by the wolves. Another amazing video of nature at its rawest.



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