Horowitz: Chris Wallace flubs America’s virus death rate while playing gotcha with Trump – IOTW Report

Horowitz: Chris Wallace flubs America’s virus death rate while playing gotcha with Trump

Conservative Review:

In the minds of the media figures who shape public opinion about the virus in America, up is down and down is up. They believe that America is doing horribly in dealing with COVID-19, except of course in New York and New Jersey, where more people died per capita than anywhere on Earth, yet the media, along with their saint, Anthony Fauci, believe those governors saved the country.

During a pretaped interview with the president on Sunday, Fox News anchor Chris Wallace played the classic gotcha game, trying to show how America is worse off than almost any other country. After Trump explained that the high number of cases is a results of more testing per capita than any other country, Wallace brought up the mortality rate.

Wallace asserted that the U.S. has “the seventh highest mortality rate in the world … higher than Brazil, it’s higher than Russia, and the European Union has us on a travel ban.”

The president was confused about the source of Wallace’s numbers and requested a pause in the interview so they could clarify the data. Trump was then handed a piece of paper with information, after which the president exclaimed, “Number one low mortality rate.”

America is not exactly number one in terms of the lowest number of deaths per capita, but it is near the bottom compared to most major countries.

Later on, Wallace admitted he was using a chart from Johns Hopkins that showed the U.S. in eighth place for the highest mortality rate in the world. more here

14 Comments on Horowitz: Chris Wallace flubs America’s virus death rate while playing gotcha with Trump

  1. Chris Wallace defines the term chickenshit.
    The president knew exactly what to expect from him before he agreed to an interview and was fully loaded with facts and was just waiting to turn the tables on him and he did so with humor.

  2. Liberals are such self righteous egotistical pricks its almost mandatory to attain insufferable douche certification to be one.

    Nov 4 will be one of the most glorious day in history based on liberal tears alone.

  3. go to Google or even Duck Duck
    Type any 3 to 4 numbers followed by “new cases”
    eg. 1224 New cases
    Whatever number you enter will just about produce a hit.
    Yes we have had enough cases, but a news article for each????

    Maybe some over reporting you think?

  4. If Fox News replaced chrissy with anyone less of a smirky biased hack, Fox News Sunday would increase their viewers by 100 times.
    Chrissy is an insufferable narcissist that is jealous of President Trump.


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