Horrendous and Horrifying Video of Two Thug Girls Stealing an Uber Car From Elderly Driver in D.C.- And KILLING HIM – IOTW Report

Horrendous and Horrifying Video of Two Thug Girls Stealing an Uber Car From Elderly Driver in D.C.- And KILLING HIM

Poor man. He was doomed. He was alive one moment, and then lifeless in street within seconds after these subhuman c***s kill the man.

*Upon second viewing, this poor man is actually still alive on that sidewalk.

These bitches deserve the death penalty.

61 Comments on Horrendous and Horrifying Video of Two Thug Girls Stealing an Uber Car From Elderly Driver in D.C.- And KILLING HIM

  1. If DC becomes a state, these two will be their Senators.

    They re-elected a crackhead so these two would be charter members of the Marion Barry Little Urban Achievers.

  2. Should have had a concealed permit and kept a gun with him when driving.

    Being elderly as well as an uber driver makes you a highly desirable target for thug attacks like these.

    At least that would have given him a chance for survival instead of having no chance at all.

  3. Watch to the end of the video and read the emblem on the jacket of the individual still in the frame, “POLICE.”

    Who is this person, why isn’t this person controlling the scene and why isn’t this person immediately arresting the two car theives?

  4. The victim sound Indian (south east Asian)

    Poor guy.

    Pelosi’s security certainly is not there to keep the Democrat voters in check. Too busy looking for dangerous people who PAY taxes and work to BUY food.

    That much occupancy of the capitol & this can still happen down the street from guardsmen. Unreal.

    No fear of committing un-prosecuted “petty” crimes!

  5. The man was not really that elderly either. Just afraid of the legal consequences of saving his own property & life by hitting a systematically victimized piece of human garbage with even worse parents.

  6. Only way this shit stops is when this thug culture trash starts picking off the Democrat protected class. They need to deal with what they have created… personally. Not just the poor shlubs out here like you and I.

  7. Thank a democrat who wants to take our guns away so none of their thug pals get shot when we are forced to defend ourselves with the police miles away having doughnuts. Thanks Pelosi and Schumer for leaving Americans defenseless to die at the hands of your voters.

  8. @AllTooMuch,

    Why? It’s fucking true. That’s why so many black people use that word so much. They have to live around this evil bullshit way more than the rest of us.

  9. This one really bothers me.

    I can’t let it go.

    I’m sure Candace, Officer Tatum, the Hodge Twins, Shapiro, and many others will pick this up and hammer on it by Monday if not sooner.

  10. Maybe the victim told them that “all lives matter’. Isn’t that a “do it yourself” capitol offense? Is it time for another Beer Summit, just because, since the first one worked so well? Obama could do this one as well, and someone else could pull Joe’s strings, and give Barack a break, while it was happening.

  11. I’m with the mule on this. Just got back from an AAU basketball tournament in Dayton and my son was playing a black team who specializes in street basketball. When they realized they couldn’t beat our mostly white team the through a fit. The funniest parts were the comments from the parents! The refs finally called the game in our favor. Thug life on display and they have NO respect so don’t expect it with Uber or anywhere else. Sad to see.

  12. I am really put to the test on this site in regards to free speech. Free speech doesn’t seem to be free anymore.
    You never know what is going to get us deplatformed.
    I worry about that more than I did years ago.
    So, in that spirit, I think certain comments have to be altered.
    Being here is more important, I think.

    Having said that, what is more important to me is that we do not cannibalize ourselves.

    No reader here is the enemy of a fellow reader. Let’s get real.

  13. Kcir, yes it is awful, but the same kind of awful that happens many times a night in cities like Oakland, Baltimore, Chicago, Philadelphia and LA. It is a sign of the times, a sad reflection of our moral decay, a death rattle from a once great nation.

    We all knew that dem. run cities can never prosper and thrive, their social justice is neither social or just, it poisons everything it touches. And now we have the same group of criminals running the country.

    I’m just glad the National guard finally got something to do.

  14. By the way, there are degrees of vile.

    A vile act is worse than a vile word.
    I don’t think our friend was comparing apples to apples.
    Cut some slack and let’s remain fairly unified.

  15. Agreed Kcir,
    This one gets to me as well.
    Not sure why this one in particular, of all the horrendous acts committed by trash, is having this affect.

    I think it’s because we witness his ineffectual pleas, passive, almost begging for understanding and compassion, while he tries to hold onto the car that provides a meager living for his family. He is 66, and these two worthless shits, these pissants, can very well be the way he sheds this mortal coil. A life ends like that? As he pathetically holds on for dear life???

  16. It gets to all of us because it represents everything we find disturbing and disgusting about our society and are made powerless to prevent by an over-reaching government that has decided to disregard reality for political agenda.

  17. Can’t bring myself to watch and after reading the comments I’m glad I didn’t. Guess that might make me some form of coward.

    Then too I’d like to believe witnessing something like this in person would mean an empty or close to empty mag in my primary carry gun…

    There’s got to be a better way to try and make ends meet and supplement your SSI. Like playing “rent-a-cop” like I’m doing as I type this.

  18. I listen to WMAL news radio pretty much every day. All day. The slow motion unfolding of this story by even a conservative news station was horrible.

    At first they said a man was car jacked and died.

    Then it was carjacked by a 13 and 15 year old.

    Eventually it was revealed it was by girls. What the hell?

    And they murdered an afghan uber driver?

    This is emblematic of a broken society. There are so many examples of dysfunction and societal breakdown.
    A 5 year old that needs to be cuffed, for instance.

    This is not going to turn out well.

  19. srdem65 MARCH 27, 2021 AT 10:02 PM

    No one rushed to this victim laying on the ground. Even a kind, comforting word would be helpful.

    I saw it as criminal that no one rushed to his aid. The guy telling everyone to step back was an idiot. He didn’t care about the life fading right in front of him.

    First thing one does is help the injured – at least check vitals, screw everyone else at the scene. Knock them out if they try to stop you.

    Dial 911 as you make your way to him.

    He died because no one cares enough about others. Not the girls and not the people at the scene. He might have died anyway – but you won’t know because no one tried to save his life during the golden minutes.

  20. The senseless death of a man, merely being a responsible citizen, living his life in peace is mostly the result of decades of self destructive conditioning by the left of black urban city dwellers.
    Targeted because they lack the will or motivation to resist being socially engineered, easily manipulated like lab rats and believing the lies of the left.

    The young black women – numb to decency and void of goodness and compassion, who murdered the senior Uber Eats driver could care less about their own lives. How could they have mercy for anyone else.

    These cold blooded criminals produced by leftist state and local “leadership” prey on the innocent and each other.

    Hopefully, justice will be served. If not in this life, it’s a guaranteed for eternity, without repentance they will be punished.

  21. We are now living in those dystopia movies we kind of got a chill from watching from the comfort of a sane society. Now the sanity thread is being pulled from the fabric and our current leaders are doing nothing

  22. As juveniles they will be free in around 2 years, probably less given Soros DA in the District of Criminals.

    No other group of any racial composition is as violent or ignorant as blacks. This is not racist, its a statistical fact. 13% of our population is committing 80% of the crime in our country.

    Most Blacks understand this as they themselves are the most common victims of these crimes. It is their shame and embarrassment of themselves that make them so sensitive to any factual criticism of their own behaviors.

    If you had dime for every immigrant who has been assaulted or murdered by a black you be very rich indeed.

    We live now in an idiocracy and this type of satanic shit is going to increase exponentially as the end times approach.

  23. @ Cisco Kid MARCH 28, 2021 AT 7:46 AM
    “We live now in an idiocracy and this type of satanic shit is going to increase exponentially as the end times approach.”

    Satanic is exactly what it is and never forget the Democrats now were working openly and tirelessly to please their dark prince

  24. Damn the slave trader’s! Damn our founding fathers for allowing slavery into this country. WTF! Was the pussy that good Jefferson? We have to live with the GTR (guess the race), and all the murder and mayhem that comes with it. Everything is okay if they’re killing each other – go for it. But these 2 girls will be breeding (if not already), and leaving their DNA behind for their future generations. You cannot take the jungle behavior out of these people, it’s a permanent flaw.

  25. When you start worrying about having to censor your speech because some one (in this case the communist death democrats) might “deplatform” either this site or you, that means that Freedom of Speech is gone. Once gone it is exceedingly difficult to get it back. Free Speech also includes the right to disagree, including labeling a comment as vile but everyone has the right to say whatever they want vile or not. We cannot let fear of censorship restrict our God given right to Freedom of Speech. I greatly appreciate the courage and willingness of this site to allow comments free of censorship. Most of us here all want the same thing – the restoration of our Republic and our Constitutional Freedoms. We are rapidly reaching a boiling point. Stay safe and alert.

    Free America.

  26. JDH,

    That’s why I always refer to them as “Demonrats”, they are all disciples of Lucifer fully invested by demonic possession.

    You can actually see it in their eyes which are truly windows to the soul.

    Look at how black, evil, and satanic the eyes of the senile pedophile are. Look at Nazi Nancy’s eyes or Chuckle Scammer.

    Pure Satan. They are all child rapists and rats.

    Thus Demonrats, they don’t deserve to be called Democrats.


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