Horrible and Potentially Criminal Students Publish List of Names of Men Who May or May Not Be Guilty of Rape – IOTW Report

Horrible and Potentially Criminal Students Publish List of Names of Men Who May or May Not Be Guilty of Rape

Here is the money shot for this article-

The UW senior who created the site would only speak to the Times on the condition her name not be revealed.


It was 5 a.m. on the first day of school when two University of Washington students started posting flyers around campus.

“Do you know the name of someone who has committed sexual assault or harassment? We are collecting names for the world to see,” the flyers read.

By the end of the first day, the students had received nearly a dozen names. As word spread, they began pouring in from around the country. Then, one night in late September, a student published the first batch on a website she created called “Make Them Scared.”

The site, which describes itself as a “communal rape list,” has received nearly 400 submissions, more than 120,000 page views, and a few queries from students at other colleges interested in creating their own lists, according to the site’s creator, who runs the site with another student and an alumnus.

It has also received backlash for publishing names of people the site’s moderators acknowledge may or may not be guilty, and for doing so under the shield of anonymity.

Make Them Scared is not the first example of sexual-assault survivors using the internet to publicly come forward in the #MeToo era. But by publishing names with little or no evidence of guilt, it’s pushing legal and ethical boundaries, and even those sympathetic to the cause are conflicted over its methods.

The editorial board of the student newspaper, The Daily, came out against the site, saying while the hopelessness behind it was understandable, “It ends up lending more credit to the argument that even truthful accusations should be viewed with suspicion and as part of a vengeful agenda, not one that seeks justice.”

Three men’s names were removed after they threatened to sue. Some others expressed a level of support for the site’s mission in interviews with The Seattle Times, saying it caused them to grapple with how they harmed their accusers. In one case, the site sparked a conversation between a woman and the man she accused.


ht/ jd hasty

How is the site not taken down by the server?

And let me guess, they have paypal?


10 Comments on Horrible and Potentially Criminal Students Publish List of Names of Men Who May or May Not Be Guilty of Rape

  1. One of the things that the socialists and communist will be most surprised about will be how they are treated in the kind of world they attempt to force on the rest of us.

    Anyone who would build such a site, and then demand anonymity – calls into question if there are any rational adults left in that part of the country.

    We already know the answer to that question if asked about the local politician population.

    But this has gone so far it calls into question not only the teachers and administrators of the supposed “Institutions of Higher Learning”, but even the average man and women on the street.

    I still say that those politicians who gave “stand-down” orders to the police so as to enable the bullying, assaults, arson of the Leftist wackos and Antifa should be prosecuted and removed from office.

    I also believe they should be placed in prison so that they can no longer endanger the American public.

    But that’s just me and I tend to be entirely too lenient and forgiving.

    MSG Grumpy

  2. Coed gets plastered. Coed shops the pussy around the bar. Coed wakes up and cooks breakfast and sends young man on his way with her phone number. Young man does a little research and finds out she is a bunny boiler, a confirmed alcoholic, a spendamatic, etc, etc, etc or a combination of pathologies… and does not call

    Coed was raped.

  3. This is like something out of the middle ages where shouts that someone was a witch (or a thief) might elicit an angry mob chasing the person through the streets until he was caught, and then beaten to death, hanged, or burned.

    “It was a credible accusation, your Honor. When he heard us shout ‘Kill the witch’, he ran away, which proved him guilty”

  4. let the lawsuits begin

    lots of young men going to get rich

    sue the whores that spread this kind of hate
    and those that support this

    our young straight men are in grave danger

    this needs to stop

    the feminazis that are doing this need jail time and fined heavily and they need to be sued along with whoever participates in this railroading of young straight males

    i am sure parents of young straight males as well as themselves are horrified that this can happen
    stop this

  5. What a dangerous society this is becoming!
    Guy A: “Did you make this weeks list?”
    Guy B: “No, but I’m sure I’ll be on next weeks list. I just accidentally brushed against a woman’s side on the bus when it hit a pothole.”


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