Horrible News For The Left – The U.S. Economy is Doing Great – IOTW Report

Horrible News For The Left – The U.S. Economy is Doing Great

Conservative Treehouse-

In July and August the U.S. was heading into a recession according to the media.  The Washington Post was at the forefront of the recession narrative with multiple articles predicting certain doom for the U.S. economy…. except there was a problem. All of the economic data would not support their predictions.  Things only got better.

The media gnashed their horrible teeth and stomped their horrible feet; alas Main Street continued to get stronger; wages higher, unemployment lower, and more middle-class Americans gaining strength and financial footing.  The media shouted at trees hoping and praying their predictions would soon evidence and the economy would throw itself into reverse.  Foiled again, it just never happened.  Democrats have permanent frowns.

Today the Washington Post admits defeat, informs their audience that cheering for economic collapse is futile, and states, reluctantly, the U.S. is unlikely to enter a recession:


8 Comments on Horrible News For The Left – The U.S. Economy is Doing Great

  1. As we have seen democRATz have openly called for a Recession purely for reasons gain back political power, which is why I call them Misery Merchants (amongst other things). They thrive on misery. To them everything is doom and gloom and a “fight” and a “struggle”. They say they are always “there for the little guy” who has nothing, but when things are going well they, along with their complicit Media Toadies, are the ones with nuthin!! They haven’t a clue of what to do in a roaring economy except to either dream up ways to lie about it or attempt drag it down to their level of Suck which is the only way they can win! Tell these Misery Merchants to get in their Struggle Bus and go clean up their Shit-Hole cities that they’ve alone have created before they come back to the American people asking for power! That and clean up after themselves for crapping all over the floor of the House with their silly impeachment shit! All these Misery Merchants have accomplished it to demonstrate that they just can’t stand someone who loves America and is showing them how a real President wins, keeps promises and succeeds!

  2. Dan – Barry Soetoro’s economy was Trickle-Up Poverty. Barry the Jug-Eared, Purple-Lipped Øbamboozler tried to make a couple of lame attempts at climbing on Trump’s Success Train, but fell off each time and sadly had to settle for buying a large mansion in Martha’s Vineyard to pick sour grapes!


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