Horrible Songs – IOTW Report

Horrible Songs

I guess I am the nominating committee.

I will put the songs I think are most stink-worthy (culled from the songs you put in the original post) in the comments and you can upvote the stinkiest.

This is probably only round one, because I know people are going to put more horrendous songs in the comments below.

Keep in mind, it’s best to stick to songs most people know. We are in search of POPULAR songs that are terrible.

107 Comments on Horrible Songs

  1. Keep in mind, only the song with the most upvotes(out of the ones above this comment) will win.

    Other songs mentioned below this one will be considered for round two.

  2. All Rap which is NOT MUSIC!

    In the broad sense of “music”: The entire decade of Heroine induced SHIT from the 90’s leading with Nirvana and all the depressing copycat junkies that have not yet served society justly by .357 magnuming their brains all over the basement.

  3. “Don’t Worry, Be Happy” is forever redeemed b/c of being sung by Big Mouth Billy Bass.

    Perhaps the Chipmunks could redeem “Muskrat Love”…or would that be species-ist?

  4. ‘You’re Having My Baby” ~ Paul Anka
    ‘Walk Like A Man’ (Sing Like A Girl) ~ Frankie Vallie & The Four Seasons
    ‘My Ding-A-Ling’ ~ Chuck Berry
    ‘Blinded By The Light’ ~ Manfred Mann, Bruce Springsteen
    (matter of fact, I could name a whole lot of monotonous, boring pretentious horsecrap from Springsteen; “he’s really deep, ya know?” … yeah, like a huge pile of manure)
    … anything from U2 … more pretentious crap … w/ the same guitar riff song after song … for God’s sake … evolve!!! (same w/ REM … no wonder they quit …. ‘shiny happy people’ …. kill me!)

    Holy Sheep Shit … I’m on a rant now!

    … & I haven’t even got to Bowie, The Carpenters, The Who, Floyd, Bread, CSNY, Zimmerman …. gaaaaaaah

  5. Don’t know the name of the song but the lyrics are like “Hey little girl is your daddy home … I got a burning desire OH I’m on fire ” what kinda sick pervert writes and or plays these songs? creeps me out

  6. TWO threads about spoiled milk and how we should all smell it.


    I’m not posting any bad music. I wouldn’t make any of you smell spoiled milk either.

  7. That song (Whitney Houston) sung at every wedding in the ’90’s. Hilarious because it was a song about love tragedy and the only thing brides knew was the chorus. Oh, yeah, “I Will Always Love You” (that should be the title, anyway).

    And there is a song in which the entire lyrics relies on the words “finger” and “linger”. They should have made it an instrumental piece.

  8. (I missed the first nominating thread):

    “Timothy” (where on earth did you go?). I don’t know the “band”. Awful. A song about men trapped in a mine who eat one of their companions. You’d think they’d know what happened to Timothy, right? LOL! Awful!

  9. Hey now @BFH – Daryl Dragon went to my jr high and high schools! His brother Dennis too, co-founder of the Surf Punks. 🙂
    @Mary – I think anything getting play time on Dr. Demento deserves a separate consideration.
    How about anything ‘sung’ by Shatner?

  10. Abigail Adams: To thy was done by a group called The Buoys. It was written by Rupert Holmes (of the Pina Colada Song fame). His intention was to write a song that would get banned by many radio stations.

    He succeeded.

    But if that is a downer of a song, how about Mack The Knife? I knew that song was I was really young. Years later I listened closely to the words. An ode to a murderer????

  11. Giving due props to Canadian Content:

    Bondi Junction by Peter Foldy https://youtu.be/tzmU0i0oHHU
    I heard an old aircheck from CHUM where the jock said that song was going in the garbage can when it was no longer a hit.

    And if you liked Hey Jude, you will love Fly Little While Dove by the Bells https://youtu.be/hIVlW3TAj9g
    In the first 1:40 the chorus is done twice. It is then repeated from 1:40 until the end of the song (over three minutes twenty seconds later). At least I doubt the Beatles had any illusions of being profound with the na na na na na na na’s in Hey Jude.

    See what happens when the government tries to help out the entertainment industry? It is generally acknowledged that a Canadian “artist’s” success in the US is inversely proportional to that “artist’s” chances of winning a Juno award unless the artist has earned legendary status.

    CanCon was implemented in 1971. There are plenty of Canada-only hits from before that that I like.

  12. Ebony and Ivory was mentioned, but no one brought up “The Girl Is Mine” by Paul McCartney and Michael Jackson.

    Can we just go ahead and name Paul McCartney to the Hall of Shame? He did some really good stuff, but he also did plenty of awful schlock. Does anyone remember him at the London Olympics? At least his crap was overtaken by the gawd-awful show about the NHS.

  13. In a similar vein as Timothy is D.O.A. by Bloodrock. About dying in a plane crash.

    The worst and longest song in the world is Margaritaville by Jimmy Buffet. We only had a few clear stations, and when they played Margaritaville it was losing a station for half the night.

  14. Kermit: I had a friend who loved that. He played it for me. My reaction was along the lines of OMG. Maybe the Mighty IOTW singers can do a medley of Timothy and D.O.A.

    Yeah, right.

  15. Kermit- LOLOL!!!
    “…when they played Margaritaville it was losing a station for half the night.”

    That’s nothing. Wait til you hear it in a foreign language.
    No, on second thought, that would just be plain mean. I hope you never have to go through that. 🤣

  16. John Lennon’s Imagine is proof we’d have never heard of him if he never met Paul McCartney.
    Kinda like david lee roth, if he never met eddie van halen.

  17. Roky Ericson’s “I Walked With A Zombie Last Night”

    I walked with a zombie
    I walked with a zombie
    I walked with a zombie last night

    I walked with a zombie
    I walked with a zombie
    I walked with a zombie last night

    I walked with a zombie
    I walked with a zombie
    I walked with a zombie last night

    I walked with a zombie (he walked with a zombie)
    I walked with a zombie (he walked with a zombie)
    I walked with a zombie last night

    I walked with a zombie (he walked with a zombie)
    I walked with a zombie (he walked with a zombie)
    I walked with a zombie last night

    I walked with a zombie
    I walked with a zombie
    I walked with a zombie last night

    I walked with a zombie
    I walked with a zombie
    I walked with a zombie last night

    Walk walk walk walk walk walk

  18. My Everything by the Bee Gees.
    Heck alot of anything Bee Gees except some of their Saturday Night Fever stuff.

    Honorable mention….
    Better Davis EYES by Kim Carnes

    Kim Carnes always sounded like she had THROAT Cancer!

  19. It’s a tie between “You Broke My Mood Ring” and “Christmas at K-Mart,” both by Root Boy Slim and the Sex Change Band.

    But, they were written to be awful –which is what made them GREAT.
    Those were the days: back when we had clubs and concerts and a sense of humor…


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