To the protesters blocking the entrance & exit of the HOSPITAL EMERGENCY ROOM yelling "We hope they die" referring to 2 LA Sheriff's ambushed today in #Compton: DO NOT BLOCK EMERGENCY ENTRIES & EXITS TO THE HOSPITAL. People's lives are at stake when ambulances can't get through.
— LA County Sheriffs (@LASDHQ) September 13, 2020
34 Comments on Horrible Tweet – Can’t Believe I Share a Species With This Scum
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Can you say the phrase “Shoot to kill”, kiddies?
Yeah, I thought you could.
— Mr. (Blue Lives Matter) Rogers
Fur, neither do I.
I just posted a comment about the NPR reporter who was there as part of BurnLootMurder and was arrested for trying to interfere with the police efforts to clear the rest of them. She wasn’t wearing credentials and didn’t ID herself as being from NPR. She was part of BurnLootMurder. Now the D.C. press org is demanding to know why she was arrested.
They may share our species, but they’re not human.
…How did they KNOW, and how were they able to put this together so QUICKLY?
Also, VERY surprised the ambulance was not escorted by a phalanx of LEO, given booth the situation, the criticality, and the nature of the injuries. I’ve had police go ahead of my unit and stop traffic at intersections for severely injured civilians and they usually get pretty amped up when it’s one of their own…
…as far as ER pickets go, shoot to kill, as Further says. You have no right to cause death by blocking rapid hospital access. Even literal Nazis at Arnham were respectful of enemy wounded.
And there’s OTHER traffic going there TOO, many of them Black like you.
Do THOSE black lives matter?
You can’t reason with rabid animals.
You can only kill them.
They are definitely not of civilization. They don’t want to be of civilization. They are actively trying to destroy everthing civilization requires.
They must be gone. We can longer afford to have these animals in society.
And everyone gets all weepy for a strong arm robber who did time for holding a gun to a pregnant womans stomach who swallowed the illegal drugs he was peddling to avoid a possession charge, resisted arrest, kicked out the window of a cop car, claimed he couldn’t breathe while standing upright without interference and fought with the arresting officers. He is a martyr and saint now as two cops fight for their lives after being ambushed by a subhuman feral child animal.
Meanwhile his tribe informs the world this is just the beginning.
Waiting on prominent black congress members, race leaders, and Demonrats to condem this action.
Guess I’ll be waiting a long time because not a single one ever will.
This is but a small taste of the war to come, prepare yourselves accordingly.
SNS — How did they know? Because they’ve all got cell phones and they are organized. That’s why AG Barr & Co. needs to officially label them Domestic Terrorsts and get on the stick getting them under control. No more “ongoing investigations”, “Blue Ribbon Task Forces”, “Interagency Cooperation” and the rest of the hair-splitting BS that passes for federal/state/local law enforcement. Enough!
Go to the FBI’s “Most Wanted” for Domestic Terrorists. There’s not a single picture of anyone from antifa, Occupy, BLM. All their most wanted are basically post-911 pics of ME terrorists and a few people who committed crimes some 25+ years ago and are probably dead from old age or living somewhere in South America, like the Nazis before them.
Stop patronizing their supporters too!
These animals want to govern us. Remember that. And think how close kamla harris is coming to the presidecy.
FYI – I don’t believe they were blocking the ambulance carrying the officers – I am pretty sure the first officers on the scene transported in their patrol cars. BLM were blocking later arrivals and trying to enter the ER to “protest”
Should still be open season on BLM .
Kamala Harris was hand-picked by the same team that got us oblowme and tried to steal the election via “popular vote” for that hag, Hillary.
Harris’s assignment is to claw back oblowme’s “legacy”; to overturn EVERYTHING POTUS Trump has secured for us, to re-set U.S. relations with China back to 2016 and to take up the Council on Foreign Relations’ effort to turn us into the North American Union with Canada and Mexico. IOW: to make up for lost time on the road to soveriegn ruin. And Harris will do it, too! Biden is NOT the Democrats’ candidate, he’s just the name recognition on the ballot.
Think of Harris as Michelle Obama without the charm.
Once again I am open to revisiting my choice of words with those who took exception to me referring to these hard left followers of the progressive movement as subhuman pieces of shit.
You are known by the company you keep, and they have a documented history of associating with exactly these sort of individual.
Beat them like dogs.
Why do we let these people do this?
Are there no laws against it, or are they just exempt from them?
“Are there no laws against it, or are they just exempt from them?”
Laws provide a path for government to punish behaviors. They do not prevent anything. You should have been taught this in high school.
They cheered “We hope they die” outside the hospital….
If you live ANYWHERE where there is any more than a VERY infrequent sighting of a black, than every time you leave your home, you are playing Russian Roulette. And in fact, just living with them in proximity opens you up to a wide range of home invasion type crimes.
Violent black on white crime is 11x the reverse with 1/6 the population. Your choice.
There’s plenty of problems and things to watch your AO for. If you can eliminate any potential threat by simply not being anywhere near bright lights like the moron in the video, than why aren’t you?
If that offends the several millions of solid black men who want nothing more than to be left alone to raise their children, tough shit, it ain’t my fault that 39 million of your race would just as soon cut my throat as spit on me. I’ll deal with the threat, and it is exactly that, in the way I see best and that is to avoid all of you.
Rooftop Koreans.
And with the improvement in arms and ammunition, should be able to shoot from further away.
MMinAR, sounds like you’re loaded for bear, aka “blacks”. You won’t get far being a reactionary. Fear, blind rage and anger will eat you alive and eventually take a person out with no assistance from those marauding, murdering “blacks”. Come on, man – Get real.
Shoot to kill, because you don’t want wounded BLM protesters clogging up the ER.
How many of you have come to the realization that the zombie apocalypse is here?
Take heart! We are NOT the same species, only the same genus. We are homo sapiens, these are homo malus.
9mm or, better yet, .45 acp “tasers” are called for In this situation
Use their batons and stuns guns liberally. It’s a short walk to the emergency room.
“People’s lives are at stake when ambulances can’t get through.”
“Get real”???
You can call it “fear, blind rage and anger” if you want, I’m dealing in reality.
There aren’t white people walking up to innocent(and unaware) blacks and randomly stabbing them, shooting them in the head or throwing them off 5 story balconies because they just felt a need to kill a negro.
Your choice, your life.
Yes, live and let live. That’s why being paranoid about what could happen isn’t the answer. Reality is knowing life has millions of risks of all kinds.
Not in denial black people commit crimes at a higher rate than other ethnicities, yet a person is more likely to die in a car accident, drown, fall, have a heart attack, etc. then die at the hands of a criminalized “black”. Also, it’s not possible to avoid encountering “blacks” – that sounds delusional.
We all have a right to protect ourselves in this country but, it’s also wise to know and trust God for your safety. Not letting what might happen control my life – like you said, “your choice, your life”.
BTW, the left want us divided by race. You seem well aware not all black people are roaming the streets attacking white people. Stop buying the left’s propaganda and live life without fear.
WTF dude, who’s paranoid? Why are you assuming you know me? I’ve choose to live where there is no diversity because ignoring the facts is just stupid, not paranoid. I resent a stranger calling me that.
On one hand you acknowledge risk and immediately you downplay people that eliminate risk. WTF man, get on track here.
Than you throw in nonsequiturs. What does CHD have to do with the price of bananas? I avoid CHD with exercise and diet. Or car wrecks? Or fucking meteors for that matter? Deal with what you can deal with and avoiding blacks is easy enough.
Yes, not all blacks “are roaming the streets” but the FACT is they commit 11x the violent crime on whites as the reverse with 1/6 the population. So don’t give me the bullshit about how the left wants us divided by race or as BB says, “muh friends” because it’s not white people committing unspeakable acts of violence on blacks.
Again, I still have the right of freedom of assembly, DON’T I??, and if you choose to roll the dice every time you walk out your door, don’t fucking condemn me because I choose otherwise.
I trust God for my spiritual health, I trust my instincts and my .40 for my earthly well being. Best you learn the difference.
Sadly, MMinAR is correct.
BLM and ANTIFA are only partly composed of negroes, but the totalitarians behind them are using negroes shamelessly for their anti-American purposes. AND those negroes are allowing themselves to be exploited.
Think of it as a “tip-of-the-iceberg” kind of thing.
Negroes, being the prominent substance of the “Black” part of the BLM meme (though ANTIFA is a lily-white Stalinist organization), are then the face of the Fascist upheaval – and the “heroes” are ALL negroes who died in Police custody (regardless of the reasons for that custody).
Very selective in their propaganda poster-boys, by the way – dead negroes can be easily depicted as saints.
Anyway, getting back – we’re the same DNA, like it or not.
We’re about to find out just how thin the veneer of civilization is!
“Cry havoc! And let slip the dogs of War!”
We often demonize and dehumanize our enemies – it makes it easier to kill them – as we’re seeing with BLM’s and ANTIFA’s attacks on Police.
izlamo delenda est …
No, I dont know you, MMinAR. Yet, what you’ve written on this thread tells me all I need to know to have an opinion about your opinion. Don’t care really about your “feels” and thin skin. My point is all threats in life are real. Never made excuses for “blacks” committing crime statistically higher than other ethnic groups. It’s horrible. However, focusing on one threat leaves a person vulnerable. Not talking about you, of course. Peace out.
Actually a sub-species – homo radiculus…
Whatever bub. You want to go through life with blinders on, ignore stats and make excuses, there’s only so many times you’re gonna roll 7s.
She’s not a bub. she’s a bubette. Who happens to be an American Conservative Black Woman. And you sound like a big fing Racist.