Horrific Details Of Why Parents Opposed Transgender Bathrooms In Loudoun County – IOTW Report

Horrific Details Of Why Parents Opposed Transgender Bathrooms In Loudoun County

Daily Wire

On June 22, Scott Smith was arrested at a Loudoun County, Virginia, school board meeting, a meeting that was ultimately deemed an “unlawful assembly” after many attendees vocally opposed a policy on transgender students.

What people did not know is that weeks prior on May 28, Smith says, a boy allegedly wearing a skirt entered a girls’ bathroom at nearby Stone Bridge High School, where he sexually assaulted Smith’s ninth-grade daughter. 

Juvenile records are sealed, but Smith’s attorney Elizabeth Lancaster told The Daily Wire that a boy was charged with two counts of forcible sodomy, one count of anal sodomy, and one count of forcible fellatio, related to an incident that day at that school. 

More of the Daily Wire article is behind a paywall. Here

“Red State” provides an overview of the piece. Here

22 Comments on Horrific Details Of Why Parents Opposed Transgender Bathrooms In Loudoun County

  1. All of our National discontent with the disaster of leftist design are coming to a rolling boil in Virginia. People are pissed off.

    Now the question is, do we have free and fair elections in the commonwealth any longer?

    If this turns out to be another steal I will begin state shopping for a better state.

  2. Now if this was the daughter of one of the school board members, what do you think would happen? Do you, for a second, think that that disgusting piece of garbage would allowed back in school, or have the book thrown at him?!? The whole board should resign in disgrace.

  3. The kid was raped by the progressive movement. They own this. They not only made it probable that these events would take place they advocated for it precisely because it would make it far more likely than not that doing so would increase innocent human suffering.

    The more innocent the victim the greater cache’ associated with complicity in the abetting the act itself and that is what they are after… pleasing their dark prince. They can deny their involvement all they want, but nothing anyone puts forward passes the straight face test in a case such as this.

  4. And how many conservatives were called names when we said this would happen?
    It’s probably going on in prisons.
    In fact I know it is.
    The prisons are handing out condoms in women’s prisons.

    It’s all about destroying the country at any cost.

  5. The father acquired a rape kit from the police and the daughter managed to retrieve some samples.

    I hope there is a massive lawsuit against this school district in the making.

  6. This is really terrible. I’m sure it goes on more and more and hidden from the public. What isn’t hidden is the horrible fact they are trying to take this country down and by attacking the children is one way to accomplish that. Especially when the authorities are against you and make you an example what not to do and what will happen if you go against them.

    Say your prayers everyday!

    God Bless us all!

  7. The school board covered up the rape and the trannie re-offended. The individual members should be held criminally liable, plus civilly liable. If there’s some sort of immunity for them, I’m all for vigilante justice in this case.

  8. Times have changed and not for the better, back in my day a boy raped a girl and he was going to get beat within an inch of his life. A boy would never have went into the girl’s bathroom because he would have had his ass kicked. A boy would never had came to school in a skirt because he would have been laughed out of school and probably also got this ass kicked.
    This “bully” crap started much of this shit, being bullied, made fun of, etc. not only made you tough, but it kept the douchebags from being douchebags.

    Anyone should know the only reason a teen boy will pretend to be a girl is to see girls in the bathroom or like this piece of shit rape girls in the bathroom.

  9. If I ever got diagnosed with terminal cancer, I’d do my research and find the biggest asshole leftist activist piece of shit in my town and fucking put them in the ground. Give me the goddamn needle afterward. It’d be worth it to waste one of these fuckers. I’m so sick of their fucking evil.


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