Horror Show: Killer bees threaten El Paso, Texas neighborhood – IOTW Report

Horror Show: Killer bees threaten El Paso, Texas neighborhood

FOX: One million aggressive bees have swarmed a Texas neighborhood and residents are unsure of what to do.

The bees have set up shop in an east El Paso home for about three years, but homeowners said the insects have lately become more aggressive. The couple told KFOX14 that they are worried about people who walk by the home and the children who go to school nearby.

Bee specialist Pyong Livingston went to the home to remove the hive but the bees became agitated during extraction. Rudy Reyes, a KFOX14 photographer, reported that he was stung eight times while shooting video of the bees.

“I went on top of the roof. I went there with my camera and he was with his helper,” Reyes said. “As soon as they got there and opened the roof, the shingles from the roof, it was, like, believe me, it was like a horror movie — seeing this swarm of bees just coming out in a black cloud. Within seconds, I started getting stung by bees. I got two in the eye, in the head, and I just went into my unit (vehicle). Even though I went into my unit, I still got bees inside my unit.” WATCH

16 Comments on Horror Show: Killer bees threaten El Paso, Texas neighborhood

  1. Wow, people want them to go someplace else to bee.

    Two bee or not two bee: ouch!

    Actually I hate bees as much as I hate snakes.

    Surgical strike is needed.

  2. My son (in Wichita) had a bee hive somewhere in his walls or attic. They hired some granola munching bee lover to “relocate” them. He spent weeks and could not find where the hive was hidden, short of tearing down interior walls. The grandkids and the granddogs were all freaked. (The cats probably thought they were toys). They finally replaced him with an old fashioned fumigating exterminator. No more bees.

  3. I’ll pick up a snake if I know it’s not poisonous, but won’t get near a bee or wasp.

    Got stung on the butt while floating on my face in the swimming pool a few years ago. Couldn’t sit for a week.

  4. A friend had a wasp nest that filled a 5 gallon bucket in his attic.
    The pest guy came in the house and said “yeah you have wasps.”
    Friend said “can you hear them?”
    The guy said “No. I can smell them”

  5. Still trying to figure out how one could go for 3 years living with a bee hive in their house.

    Back in the late 80s I built a deck on my townhouse and compromised a piece of the vinyl siding. Wasps moved into the lower level behind the paneling. Occasionally a wasp would pop out, but I didn’t know the extent of the infestation until I hosted dart night with my buddies.

    As we found a stud and started driving a nail to hang the dart board the whole wall started humming and wasps began emerging from everywhere.

    We ran upstairs and closed the door. No darts.

    Exterminator was called and he wiped them out.

    The whole thing was my fault. Only a rookie builder DIY guy would leave a gap large enough to create a Wasp Motel 6, we’ll leave a light on for you.

  6. If they make it to Denver I’m moving to Michigan. I love the state of Minnesota but the Proglodyte force is strong there. I’m talking the other side of the lake from Duluth. No snakes, no creepy crawls and no killer bees.

  7. Years ago I told my hubby I heard buzzing in the bathroom wall. He and his friend couldn’t hear it and laughed at me. By the time they could hear it, the wall was very inhabited. Hubby poked at the drywall, which apparently they were gnawing at.
    At hole poked easily in the wall, and bees came streaming out of the hole.
    I saw him stomping on bees like a fool, while plugging the hole. I think I was in the next count by the time I stopped running.
    He pays attention to my hearing now.

  8. Killer Bees, AKA Africanized Bees, is one more perfect example of man’s audacious attitude towards manipulating nature to his will and creating a monster problem.

    In trying to make a more productive bee, they took African Honey bees and crossed them with the European Honey bee and created a less productive and more angry strain. And then they actually escape into the jungle and reached Texas in the 80’s. Way to go mad scientists. Please clap.

    I read he said they were a cross between African and European bees. No shit Sherlock. That’s what Africanized means.

    The only way anyone in the field can tell it’s a Killer bee colony is by it’s angry chase-you-down behavior over nothing much more than you being too close, and then you still aren’t sure 100% but who cares – by that time they MUST ALL DIE!! You have to take it to the lab to confirm exactly what kind of bee it is.


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