Horror Stories: Emotional Interviews With Families Damaged by Critical Race Theory – IOTW Report

Horror Stories: Emotional Interviews With Families Damaged by Critical Race Theory

Western Journal:

The first day of school is always the hardest.

Not just for the children, but for parents as well. After bringing life to a child, after years of loving and nurturing, it is finally time to send the greatest love of their lives out into the world, outside of their protection, for the very first time.

This can be terrifying, and yet parents continue to make this great sacrifice in order to give their sons and daughters a quality education. After all, quality education is a key stepping stone on the path to a life of success.

So parents put their trust in educators to do right by their children, to give them the tools to forge a better life for themselves.

According to parents all across the country, that trust has been betrayed.

“Just coming off of May 31, marking the 100 years [since] the Tulsa riots, it is sad that we are even contemplating something like critical race theory, where children will be separated by their skin color and deemed permanently oppressors or oppressed in 2021,” King said at a Florida Board of Education hearing on CRT.

“That is not teaching the truth unless you believe that whites are better than blacks.”


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