Horseface Kerry’s response to Ukraine invasion: ‘I hope President Putin will help us to stay on track with respect to what we need to do for the climate’ – IOTW Report

Horseface Kerry’s response to Ukraine invasion: ‘I hope President Putin will help us to stay on track with respect to what we need to do for the climate’

John Kerry cautioned Wednesday that Russia’s war on Ukraine will distract the international community from one of the Biden administration’s top national security priorities: climate change. story

34 Comments on Horseface Kerry’s response to Ukraine invasion: ‘I hope President Putin will help us to stay on track with respect to what we need to do for the climate’

  1. …so if all you Ukrainians could just conveniently die so we can end this and also not have you breathing and stuff we don’t like, like you living, that’d be super, thanks loads, oh, and kill your children too, it’s for the greater good.

  2. “stay on track” lolol and it’s Horseface by a nose!

    How’s your promised cure for cancer coming, Secretariat of State? Oh, you handed that off to One Horse Pony Biden? Looks like you’re both long shots now. Giddyup.

  3. Seriously, how much can we take? I’m getting to where I don’t want to visit this site because it’s impossible to accept the level of insanity we are all enduring. This is nuts and I feel like a simple, middle age housewife with no power to stop this tsunami. Is it Mary Hatch who says Say Your Prayers Every Day? I think that’s good advice

  4. Kerry – another Traitor spouting Globaloney Warming Crisis Bullshit.
    The guy should have been put down when he interposed himself in the Paris Peace Talks.
    Once a Traitor; Always a Traitor.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Why the nerve of people making fun of a Vietnam war hero! Mighty warrior John Kerry who pulled himself up by his bootstraps and became one of the most honored self made men in history.
    Only to be surpassed by the majestic King Joseph Biden.

  6. This lousy SOB should’ve been fragged by his own swift boat sailors in Vietnam and we would never have been exposed to his treachery and all his globull warming bs. Like I’ve said before as a former member of the US Navy in the 70’s I have no respect for either him or John McCain as Navy officers, they both betrayed this country and the oath they swore to protect and uphold the US Constitution.

  7. Good ole Monsieur Jean Fraud Gigilo Goodhair, the not-too-swift-boat, medal-tossing, tax-dodging, flip-flopping, arrogant, self-absorbed, hung-like-a-field-mouse, moisturizing-metrosexual, Jihad Coddling, precognitive-Global Warming Meteorologist and Politically Correct, gold-digging, ketchup money-loving, Easter Island fashion model with Churchill Downs Syndrome (who’s favorite pick-up line is Hay Babe!)
    The man is so incompetent he couldn’t pour the piss out of a riding boot if the instructions were written on the heel… which explains why this preening Dumbshit is still living off his second wife’s first husband’s fortune and is exactly why he wuz picked to be “Climate Envoy”!

    And so Mr Future Glue-Stick… you are a Fluke of the Universe.
You have no right to be here.

    Go placidly amid the noise and waste. And remember what comfort there may be in owning a piece of a hedge fund.
    Avoid brilliant and strong persons.
    Inflate your record.
    Speak glowingly of those greater than yourself (even though in your own mind there be none) and heed well their advice, even though they be imbeciles.
    Know Hu to bow to…..and Wen!
    Consider that two wrongs never make a right, but that THREE…do.
    Whenever possible, avoid decisions.
    Exaggerate your achievements and cloak your plans in “Transparency”.
    Be comforted that in the face of all aridity and disillusionment, despite the changing fortunes of time, there will always be a big future in tax write-offs.
    Strive at all times to lie, deceive, seal records and destroy emails.
    Whilst you wallow in vast fields of Bullshit, remember the USS Gridley!
    Know yourself. If you need help, call Madam Nguyen Thi Binh.
    Exercise caution in your daily affairs,
especially with those persons closest to you – that two-faced, two Americas dipshit John Edwards for example.
    Be assured that a walk through the ocean of most souls would drown your shallow, wind-surfing ass!
    May the Moose flies of time forever infest your Cape Cod fillet sandwiches.
    Hire Imams with hooks and sing Sheik Yerbouhti.
    For a good time, call 1-800-606-4311. Ask for Alex.
    Take heart, in the deepening gloom, that your wife is finally getting enough Gin.
    Reflect that whatever misfortune may be your lot,
it could only be worse in Kennebunkport.
    Therefore, make peace with your god,
whether you conceive him to be a Cosmic Pedophile or a French Baguette.
    You are a Fluke of the Universe.
    You have no right to be here.

    And whether you can hear it or not
the Universe is laughing behind your back.

  8. And to make matters worse joey’s and his climate czar Kerry’s ecoweenie “We’re all gonna die” policies on energy use has caused gas prices already to spike because of the war in Ukraine. My daughter in Nashville, told me this morning that gas went up 20 cents a gallon from $3.39 to $3.59 a gal. yesterday in a matter of hrs. I’ll see if gas prices have gone up around here this morning when I go to work this morning. Thanks for nothing, assholes!

  9. geoff the…… who caused gas prices to go up? No, you are wrong. Russia has been planning this invasion for months &/or years. Gas suppliers are setting the prices, customers are paying the price. Tapping into strategic reserves would only be temporary & only save us pennies. Your putting too much faith in that one man, one party made this happen. That is complete nonsense.

  10. yada..yada…yadda Yes, we all HATE asshole traitor Kerry with the heat of the sun, BUT,

    have you EVER heard his soulmates in that club of criminals we call the USSenate DENOUNCE him???!!!!

    Why NO! They all harbor a jealousy for how brazen a thieving POS he is and gets away with for an entire career!!

  11. Kerry. One of the biggest a@@holes on the planet. Hundreds of people dying, and he’s worried about the climate. He’s gone so far down the rabbit hole that the Mad Hatter thinks he’s insane.

  12. this is the dems spin on maintaining the energy crisis. plain as day the biden administration and dems are colluding with russia to implement the weaning of fossil fuels in europe. investigate the executive branch immediately. innocent people are suffering and dying.

  13. What Kerry said may be exactly what they want from Putin.

    As in: Sure you can take Ukraine. It’s fine with us, as long as you get on board with our Globalist Club and buy into our (phony) fight against global warming.

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