Hours of Operation are 10am-4pm – IOTW Report

Hours of Operation are 10am-4pm

Joe Biden is only fully functional from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., according to a report by Axios published Saturday in the wake of Biden’s disastrous not-ready-for-primetime debate with President Trump Thursday night. The report states White House staff know there are ‘two Bidens’: One who is fully engaged for about six hours a day and the one Americans (and the world) saw staring into space and struggling to articulate lucid, complete thoughts during the debate Thursday night. more here

27 Comments on Hours of Operation are 10am-4pm

  1. And that turn coat idiot deep state RINO Chip Roy is trying to save the Dems by invoking the 25th. Chip Roy was the asshole behind the impeachment of Ken Paxton. The guys a snake.

  2. General Malaise: A Michelle Obama candidacy is the only way the dems can eliminate Kamala from running after Joe is put out to pasture. If they pass over a “black” woman as the nominee, they can only run another black woman in her place.

  3. ^ Tony – and even scarier is the notion that “Michelle can win!” which means an election steal will be harder stop.

    Maybe I’ll move to Argentina if Barack gets his 4th term.

  4. Big Mike won’t run. Can’t run. Trump would destroy the carefully crafted image in any debate. Have to protect the brand. Bitch has never been in front of a hostile audience either.

  5. Boy, are we lucky? Handicap 6 hasn’t always had dementia but he’s always been an asshole that has been on the wrong side of any policy for the last sixty years. It can’t be said that the country is in great shape but think how much worse it could be if xiden was fully functional.

  6. 6 hours a day?
    Ain’t happening. Doesn’t happen.

    Maybe – if they’re including lunch, ice cream breaks, pudding breaks, and naps.
    And diaper changes.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. “fully engaged” lololooololol Almost every time he’s gotten lost on stage, shaken hands with a ghost, fallen up stairs, fallen down stairs, been sandbagged by a sandbag, ushered by the Easter Bunny, ushered by the Italian Prime Minister, forgotten a name, forgotten he’s President, forgotten what year it was, trillioned a billion, billioned a thousand, checked his watch, sniffed some hair or groped some kid, it’s been pretty near midday.

    They must not be counting his lunch break as “fully engaged” time, and they must be giving him a six hour lunch break.

  8. Dementia Joe has become an ACME cartoon character. His handlers can animate him with puppet strings and keep his eyes open with matchsticks. Have a ventriloquist speak for him during his dementia sundown hours at the next debate…if it happens.
    That’s how ridiculous it’s getting.

    Biden’s going to be in really bad shape by the time the election takes place in November. Yet, Demwit voters continue to be in denial and vote for him anyway.


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